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Discussion What’s your dream partner like ?


19, 6'5, MTN, 21.5 inch bidelt
Sep 27, 2024
hung in grey sweatpants
I’m interested to see what you guys (and the 3 girls who use this forum) have to say.

For me I would she’d be something like this:

- intelligent (for obvious reasons, first of all the genetic aspect, I want high IQ kids, high iq is strongly correlated with income and success. I also generally like to have intellectually stimulating conversations with people, it’s nice when even if you or the other person doesn’t know much about a specific topic, you can pick up on the general idea of it and ask relevant questions about it)
- extroverted (it’s really annoying when your the one carrying the conversation 24/7, it’s nice to have someone to bounce off of when you run out of topics)
- outgoing (sort of related to the previous one, this kind of stuff rubs off on you, and when you’re feeling down or for whatever reason times are getting tough, if you can have a partner who supports you and encourages you to try do new things, to me something like that is priceless, I’ve unfortunately never been in a relationship/friendship with anyone like this, overall this is a trait you’d want everyone in your circle to possess)
- patient/disciplined (if I’m to have children with this person, they should possess a high level of patience, raising kids right is a hard thing, it takes 18 fucking years at the minimum for one, it’s easy to put an iPad in front of ur kid being there everyday and be willing to drive your kid to his swimming lessons or whatever after a hard days of work, is something very important. Another thing with discipline is being disciplined to maintain good looks and habits as time progresses, oh how many people let themselves go after they get married and have kids, because it’s easy to, but remains healthy and fit isn’t)
- loving (I want a wife who not only loves me but loves her children, love is a very strong emotion and a mother will do anything for her kids if she truly loves them)

Now for appearance, some are more important than others by nature:

- tall, and the males on her side of the family should be tall as well
- high IQ
- no family history of any mental illnesses, genetic disorders
- healthy weight/BMI
- ideally white, more specifically germanic/nordic
- good facial aesthetics, strong cheekbones, small nose, plump lips, good forward growth

And that pretty much covers everything I’m looking for in a partner.
- intelligent (for obvious reasons, first of all the genetic aspect, I want high IQ kids, high iq is strongly correlated with income and success. I also generally like to have intellectually stimulating conversations with people, it’s nice when even if you or the other person doesn’t know much about a specific topic, you can pick up on the general idea of it and ask relevant questions about it)
- extroverted (it’s really annoying when your the one carrying the conversation 24/7, it’s nice to have someone to bounce off of when you run out of topics)
- outgoing (sort of related to the previous one, this kind of stuff rubs off on you, and when you’re feeling down or for whatever reason times are getting tough, if you can have a partner who supports you and encourages you to try do new things, to me something like that is priceless, I’ve unfortunately never been in a relationship/friendship with anyone like this, overall this is a trait you’d want everyone in your circle to possess)
- patient/disciplined (if I’m to have children with this person, they should possess a high level of patience, raising kids right is a hard thing, it takes 18 fucking years at the minimum for one, it’s easy to put an iPad in front of ur kid being there everyday and be willing to drive your kid to his swimming lessons or whatever after a hard days of work, is something very important. Another thing with discipline is being disciplined to maintain good looks and habits as time progresses, oh how many people let themselves go after they get married and have kids, because it’s easy to, but remains healthy and fit isn’t)
- loving (I want a wife who not only loves me but loves her children, love is a very strong emotion and a mother will do anything for her kids if she truly loves them)
100% this
I’m interested to see what you guys (and the 3 girls who use this forum) have to say.

For me I would she’d be something like this:

- intelligent (for obvious reasons, first of all the genetic aspect, I want high IQ kids, high iq is strongly correlated with income and success. I also generally like to have intellectually stimulating conversations with people, it’s nice when even if you or the other person doesn’t know much about a specific topic, you can pick up on the general idea of it and ask relevant questions about it)
- extroverted (it’s really annoying when your the one carrying the conversation 24/7, it’s nice to have someone to bounce off of when you run out of topics)
- outgoing (sort of related to the previous one, this kind of stuff rubs off on you, and when you’re feeling down or for whatever reason times are getting tough, if you can have a partner who supports you and encourages you to try do new things, to me something like that is priceless, I’ve unfortunately never been in a relationship/friendship with anyone like this, overall this is a trait you’d want everyone in your circle to possess)
- patient/disciplined (if I’m to have children with this person, they should possess a high level of patience, raising kids right is a hard thing, it takes 18 fucking years at the minimum for one, it’s easy to put an iPad in front of ur kid being there everyday and be willing to drive your kid to his swimming lessons or whatever after a hard days of work, is something very important. Another thing with discipline is being disciplined to maintain good looks and habits as time progresses, oh how many people let themselves go after they get married and have kids, because it’s easy to, but remains healthy and fit isn’t)
- loving (I want a wife who not only loves me but loves her children, love is a very strong emotion and a mother will do anything for her kids if she truly loves them)

Now for appearance, some are more important than others by nature:

- tall, and the males on her side of the family should be tall as well
- high IQ
- no family history of any mental illnesses, genetic disorders
- healthy weight/BMI
- ideally white, more specifically germanic/nordic
- good facial aesthetics, strong cheekbones, small nose, plump lips, good forward growth

And that pretty much covers everything I’m looking for in a partner.
My ideal women

Hobbys and "mentality"

I would love to have a women that is bkth introverted and extroverted at times. Somone i can go to vinyl stores with and find each others favorite albums after that go to a café and chat abt life and just look each other and be so happy that we found eachother. After that we get home and be alone for an hour or two just reading a book. Then I will Cook dinner while she talks abt some stupid girl gossip abt how her friends bf did somthing uncool or whatever and how much he hates him and hope her friend brakes up. After we have eaten we will watch some ssd romance movie and not even watch it but instead just chat abt life and have deep talks. Ik i made it into a story ish but thats my ideal girl "mentaly" wise. But if I just put it into words it would be the following: smart but not to smart, chatty but also quiet from time to time, emotionally there (gets sad for small things etc so k can comfort her) but also gets happy over the smallest things. Hates cooking but loves to clean (I cook she cleans) got hobbys like: thrifting, music and vinyl collecting, loves old school, got a good relationshio w her family and loves and wants kids

Body wise

Hair: Brown or ginger
Bodyshape: hourglass
Eye shape: big eyes but cute dk how to explain it
Eye color: green, grey or blue hazel could work
Bosyfat: 20% - 16
Height: 172-180cm
Hairstyle: bangs with longer sides
Facially: mid mtb+

Idk what else to say tbh
Brown-blonde hair
Wavy-straight texture
Preferably a fertile physique obtained from eating meat and animal fat, leaner girls are fine too but I don’t like gymcel girls.
Eye color idgaf
Legs preferably long
Decent frame not super big or narrow
Maybe MTB+ for face? Idk
My ideal women

Hobbys and "mentality"

I would love to have a women that is bkth introverted and extroverted at times. Somone i can go to vinyl stores with and find each others favorite albums after that go to a café and chat abt life and just look each other and be so happy that we found eachother. After that we get home and be alone for an hour or two just reading a book. Then I will Cook dinner while she talks abt some stupid girl gossip abt how her friends bf did somthing uncool or whatever and how much he hates him and hope her friend brakes up. After we have eaten we will watch some ssd romance movie and not even watch it but instead just chat abt life and have deep talks. Ik i made it into a story ish but thats my ideal girl "mentaly" wise. But if I just put it into words it would be the following: smart but not to smart, chatty but also quiet from time to time, emotionally there (gets sad for small things etc so k can comfort her) but also gets happy over the smallest things. Hates cooking but loves to clean (I cook she cleans) got hobbys like: thrifting, music and vinyl collecting, loves old school, got a good relationshio w her family and loves and wants kids

Body wise

Hair: Brown or ginger
Bodyshape: hourglass
Eye shape: big eyes but cute dk how to explain it
Eye color: green, grey or blue hazel could work
Bosyfat: 20% - 16
Height: 172-180cm
Hairstyle: bangs with longer sides
Facially: mid mtb+

Idk what else to say tbh
Brown-blonde hair
Wavy-straight texture
Preferably a fertile physique obtained from eating meat and animal fat, leaner girls are fine too but I don’t like gymcel girls.
Eye color idgaf
Legs preferably long
Decent frame not super big or narrow
Maybe MTB+ for face? Idk
I just lost my daaaaaawwwwwwwg, and my brother taught me how to chaaaaaaaaseeeeee the bagggggg
I’m interested to see what you guys (and the 3 girls who use this forum) have to say.

For me I would she’d be something like this:

- intelligent (for obvious reasons, first of all the genetic aspect, I want high IQ kids, high iq is strongly correlated with income and success. I also generally like to have intellectually stimulating conversations with people, it’s nice when even if you or the other person doesn’t know much about a specific topic, you can pick up on the general idea of it and ask relevant questions about it)
- extroverted (it’s really annoying when your the one carrying the conversation 24/7, it’s nice to have someone to bounce off of when you run out of topics)
- outgoing (sort of related to the previous one, this kind of stuff rubs off on you, and when you’re feeling down or for whatever reason times are getting tough, if you can have a partner who supports you and encourages you to try do new things, to me something like that is priceless, I’ve unfortunately never been in a relationship/friendship with anyone like this, overall this is a trait you’d want everyone in your circle to possess)
- patient/disciplined (if I’m to have children with this person, they should possess a high level of patience, raising kids right is a hard thing, it takes 18 fucking years at the minimum for one, it’s easy to put an iPad in front of ur kid being there everyday and be willing to drive your kid to his swimming lessons or whatever after a hard days of work, is something very important. Another thing with discipline is being disciplined to maintain good looks and habits as time progresses, oh how many people let themselves go after they get married and have kids, because it’s easy to, but remains healthy and fit isn’t)
- loving (I want a wife who not only loves me but loves her children, love is a very strong emotion and a mother will do anything for her kids if she truly loves them)

Now for appearance, some are more important than others by nature:

- tall, and the males on her side of the family should be tall as well
- high IQ
- no family history of any mental illnesses, genetic disorders
- healthy weight/BMI
- ideally white, more specifically germanic/nordic
- good facial aesthetics, strong cheekbones, small nose, plump lips, good forward growth

And that pretty much covers everything I’m looking for in a partner.
A woman who is at least average looking. They must be smart and keep me in line and they love me for my peronality, looks, and not my money. But I can't lie n***a, a good looking woman would be great but I'm not shooting that high.
Brown-blonde hair
Wavy-straight texture
Preferably a fertile physique obtained from eating meat and animal fat, leaner girls are fine too but I don’t like gymcel girls.
Eye color idgaf
Legs preferably long
Decent frame not super big or narrow
Maybe MTB+ for face? Idk
No booba mentioned
I’m interested to see what you guys (and the 3 girls who use this forum) have to say.

For me I would she’d be something like this:

- intelligent (for obvious reasons, first of all the genetic aspect, I want high IQ kids, high iq is strongly correlated with income and success. I also generally like to have intellectually stimulating conversations with people, it’s nice when even if you or the other person doesn’t know much about a specific topic, you can pick up on the general idea of it and ask relevant questions about it)
- extroverted (it’s really annoying when your the one carrying the conversation 24/7, it’s nice to have someone to bounce off of when you run out of topics)
- outgoing (sort of related to the previous one, this kind of stuff rubs off on you, and when you’re feeling down or for whatever reason times are getting tough, if you can have a partner who supports you and encourages you to try do new things, to me something like that is priceless, I’ve unfortunately never been in a relationship/friendship with anyone like this, overall this is a trait you’d want everyone in your circle to possess)
- patient/disciplined (if I’m to have children with this person, they should possess a high level of patience, raising kids right is a hard thing, it takes 18 fucking years at the minimum for one, it’s easy to put an iPad in front of ur kid being there everyday and be willing to drive your kid to his swimming lessons or whatever after a hard days of work, is something very important. Another thing with discipline is being disciplined to maintain good looks and habits as time progresses, oh how many people let themselves go after they get married and have kids, because it’s easy to, but remains healthy and fit isn’t)
- loving (I want a wife who not only loves me but loves her children, love is a very strong emotion and a mother will do anything for her kids if she truly loves them)

Now for appearance, some are more important than others by nature:

- tall, and the males on her side of the family should be tall as well
- high IQ
- no family history of any mental illnesses, genetic disorders
- healthy weight/BMI
- ideally white, more specifically germanic/nordic
- good facial aesthetics, strong cheekbones, small nose, plump lips, good forward growth

And that pretty much covers everything I’m looking for in a partner.
Doesn’t cuck me
Is loyal and submissive
Don’t be deformed or fattie.
Worships me
Brown-blonde hair
Wavy-straight texture
Preferably a fertile physique obtained from eating meat and animal fat, leaner girls are fine too but I don’t like gymcel girls.
Eye color idgaf
Legs preferably long
Decent frame not super big or narrow
Maybe MTB+ for face? Idk
bro you forgot the most important thing, the feet

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