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Discussion what are the top 5 best decisions you've made in your entire life?


SHODAN = best girl
Sep 27, 2024
hung in grey sweatpants
title, honestly think about it, I can only really think of 2 as of rn, which im certain have changed the course of my life for the better, and no making an account on looksmaxxing forums isn't one of them lmao.

also jfl if you mention learning about looksmaxxing, just shows how little you know and have done in ur life.
1.) Quitting sports that made me feel like shit
2.) not interacting with people that made me feel like shit
3.) Not doing drugs
4.) Getting some slight sunlight but never overly tanning to the point my skin gets damaged.
5.) Never bulking or gymcelling
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  • #4
1.) Quitting sports that made me feel like shit
2.) not interacting with people that made me feel like shit
3.) Not doing drugs
4.) Getting some slight sunlight but never overly tanning to the point my skin gets damaged.
5.) Never bulking or gymcelling
pretty good list, yeah i deeply regret bulking ngl, jfl @ my iq for falling for the bulking meme, also just out of curiosity what falls under gymcelling in ur book ?
pretty good list, yeah i deeply regret bulking ngl, jfl @ my iq for falling for the bulking meme, also just out of curiosity what falls under gymcelling in ur book ?
I consider gymcelling lifting weights doing machines or just heavy lifting in general. Also treadmill I consider gymcelling but I understand there are benefits to walking
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  • #7
I consider gymcelling lifting weights doing machines or just heavy lifting in general. Also treadmill I consider gymcelling but I understand there are benefits to walking
that's fair, yeah the thing with lifting weights is it stresses the body, but it also makes you more resistant to stress later on, so it really is a double edged sword, in my opinion so long as ur resting enough and not training like ur a fucking slave under ottoman rule then you get all the benefits that come with gymcelling and as little of the negative effects.
mirin, who are your favorite philosophers ?
Really depends on the state of my journey. Surely, the old Greek triad is immortal in developing rationality.
I think that if one follows those old dudes while not subjecting themselfs to a self negation of their wills as some religious and stoics do, the rest of philosophy including the existencialists can be completely ignored. The risk is to forget the eternal truths, given that we may have the path to paradise but forget it and get lost due to that.
realistically what do you think you'd have done if you hadn't been given a phone at a young age ?
Prob focus more on shit I like.. realistically I wouldn't be a better student even without a phone ,I never was I always took short cuts when it came to school.
But now even on things I wanna pursuit I just put them aside to rot. Thought I was pretty talented when I was younger now I have younger kids being better than me.
title, honestly think about it, I can only really think of 2 as of rn, which im certain have changed the course of my life for the better, and no making an account on looksmaxxing forums isn't one of them lmao.

also jfl if you mention learning about looksmaxxing, just shows how little you know and have done in ur life.
starting martial arts, starting calisthenics/working out, probably also joining this forum, not because of looksmaxxing itself but because it carried me to understand cartain things about alimentation and lifestyle which i wouldnt have known without this forum
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  • #33
starting martial arts, starting calisthenics/working out, probably also joining this forum, not because of looksmaxxing itself but because it carried me to understand cartain things about alimentation and lifestyle which i wouldnt have known without this forum
what martial art, i just recently after a while of trial and error found a good boxing gym near me so im also gassed to get on the creed arc
what martial art, i just recently after a while of trial and error found a good boxing gym near me so im also gassed to get on the creed arc
At some point i was training wrestling, bjj and muay-thai to compete in MMA, i've totally stopped since 2020 but it's a way to become fit
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  • #37
Just forcing myself. At some point i was just playing a role, i've watched some Henry Cavill interviews and just copied the way is talking + body language
i can force myself, but seriously it tires me out more than 8 hours of manual labor on an empty stomach
you learned anything life changing ?
everything i learn is life changing
perhaps philosophy, sciences, history, and literature in general has made me ponder and appreciate life more, makes me want to live for passion and pave a road of meaning in a seemingly lost world
what martial art, i just recently after a while of trial and error found a good boxing gym near me so im also gassed to get on the creed arc
mma is probably the best choice as it covers both striking and grappling, but i honestly prefeer training those separately, ive done karate, doing muay thai right now and also thinking of doing wrestling and bjj when ive mastered the stuff im doing right now
