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Discussion what are you doing to looksmax in the short and long term ?


19, 6'5, MTN, 21.5 inch bidelt
Sep 27, 2024
Uppsala, Sweden
hung in grey sweatpants maxxing
for me:

short term:

-lean down from 22-ish% body fat to 12% or lower
-darken my looks, dye hair black and experiment with darkening the eyebrows and melanotan 2
-build a good physique (just started taking testosterone to help reach this goal), bigger shoulders, wider neck, thick forearms, wide lats etc, something like picrel:
-improve style, mainly by wearing things that make my waist look slimmer and my shoulders bigger
-debloat via potassium chloride or furosemide if necessary

long term:
-get rhinoplasty, this will significantly boost my appeal and harmony, my nose is easily the biggest thing holding me back as of rn
-PE, having a big d and wearing grey sweatpants with that, OP strat
-lateral commisoroplasty, aka mouth widening, as I would like to go from a 1:1.3 nose to lip width ratio to 1:1.5 which is more aesthetic, bigger lips also make you look more social/NT

and that's pretty much it, I sincerely believe if I do everything I detailed I could reach a solid mid HTN.
currently failing to lean down, but gonna try that again. I'm fairly skinny fat atm. Getting jaw surgery, in long process of apppointments but I have another one in october here.

mirin ur plans
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currently failing to lean down, but gonna try that again. I'm fairly skinny fat atm. Getting jaw surgery, in long process of apppointments but I have another one in october here.

mirin ur plans
mirin the jaw surgery, hopefully it all goes well
so right now im doing manual length stretches, and soon I want to get an air pump and use that for girth.
What's your actual stats and your end goals ?

Have you planned to do more effective routines and exercises ? Manual streches and pumping seems not enough, especially for girth
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  • #8
What's your actual stats and your end goals ?

Have you planned to do more effective routines and exercises ? Manual streches and pumping seems not enough, especially for girth
currently 6.7 inches bone pressed by 5 inches mid shaft girth, goal is 8 x 6

for now im basically just going to emulate Hink's routine, so as to avoid injuries at all costs, and pumping seems to be good for girth, clamping is the best but it's very risky
currently 6.7 inches bone pressed by 5 inches mid shaft girth, goal is 8 x 6

for now im basically just going to emulate Hink's routine, so as to avoid injuries at all costs, and pumping seems to be good for girth, clamping is the best but it's very risky
8x6 is the ideal pornstar dick lmao, my goal is 8x5.5 max

I was 7x4.7 and now i'm 7.5x5.1 from inconsistent PE training

I'm not into manual streches because too much force can be dangerous, i'm more of a -time under tension- guy so my plan is basically alternating with vacuum extending, vaccuum hanging and vacuum ADS, and a mix of clamping/pumping and horse squeezes.
PE is dangerous of course, so i just do 3 sessions per week, alternating girth and length sessions
already softmaxxed, just plan on getting nose tip rhino and maybe genio after uni
Bimax and infraorbitals and I'm a high htn at least. Wish there weren't only like 0,5 good jaw surgeons in Russia

High trust high class maxxing outside surgical things. The jaw and infraorbitals are much more important tho
