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What Can Women Offer

so women are useless?
Original post was joke but obviously humanity is completed with Man and Woman

If shes the right one she will have everything to offer. help, love, support a friend etc.
This is a good trait in both genders, because it is the ideal trait for a partner in general

Agreed btw
ive spoken to many woman you drongo cunt
Maybe they can offer discussion but I would never choose to spend time with them over a man (respectfully) unless she was my girlfriend
It's okay, I respect it, I'd rather hang out with girls, but it depends on who, because most of them don't understand my sense of humor and think I'm crazy.
@Whitepill is right tho , u as a woman cant understand a men's pov 100% can you? the capacity of talks u can have with boys and comfort u have in their company is completely different than of girls. u "might" have also felt that some convos or situation would be better off involving boys than girls, and the same is other way around too , to "some" extent that is why ppl get in a relationship - due to the emotional comfort others cant provide
( damn have i realived myself to do philosophy on here:6head: )
@Whitepill is right tho , u as a woman cant understand a men's pov 100% can you? the capacity of talks u can have with boys and comfort u have in their company is completely different than of girls. u "might" have also felt that some convos or situation would be better off involving boys than girls, and the same is other way around too , to "some" extent that is why ppl get in a relationship - due to the emotional comfort others cant provide
( damn have i realived myself to do philosophy on here:6head: )
nothing really philosophical about that, it's just human nature/common sense.
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