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What do you want to work as?


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2023
Im currently studying psychologi and would wsnt to work with mental health etc. Whats ur dream job?

Want to do it bc I know how tough it is. People in my family have commited suicide and dont want anyone to go thru what I have and if they have i want to be the light in their dark.

And ofc also bc I love helping people and allways have even tho I act as a troll on the internet.
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Im currently studying psychologi and would wsnt to work with mental health etc. Whats ur dream job?

Want to do it bc I know how tough it is. People in my family have commited suicide and dont want anyone to go thru what I have and if they have i want to be the light in their dark.

And ofc also bc I love helping people and allways have even tho I act as a troll on the internet.
I want to be a self sustaining farmer and small time investor. Gonna have to have more kids for that. Success to me means turning my back on the world/society, and what it says I need to have, but still managing to be happy.
Im currently studying psychologi and would wsnt to work with mental health etc. Whats ur dream job?

Want to do it bc I know how tough it is. People in my family have commited suicide and dont want anyone to go thru what I have and if they have i want to be the light in their dark.

And ofc also bc I love helping people and allways have even tho I act as a troll on the internet.
I don’t want to work, but I currently do landscaping for people
Im currently studying psychologi and would wsnt to work with mental health etc. Whats ur dream job?

Want to do it bc I know how tough it is. People in my family have commited suicide and dont want anyone to go thru what I have and if they have i want to be the light in their dark.

And ofc also bc I love helping people and allways have even tho I act as a troll on the internet.
Airline pilot to get money and also cause that’s lowkey sick