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Serious what does it mean if a foid randomly brings this up

a friend of her said something funny but immediately adds, "I won't tell you," and when you ask why, she says, "Because you'll tell her." Then when you insist, she says, "My friend said I sometimes feel like you like that guy (me)
she might be trying to hint that she likes you? as a girl myself, sometimes girls like to bring things up like romantic feelings subtly to see how you’ll react to it. she doesn’t REALLY find it funny, she really just wants to see if you think of a romantic relationship with her as a joke or not. (that’s my interpretation of it)
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  • #4
she might be trying to hint that she likes you? as a girl myself, sometimes girls like to bring things up like romantic feelings subtly to see how you’ll react to it. she doesn’t REALLY find it funny, she really just wants to see if you think of a romantic relationship with her as a joke or not. (that’s my interpretation of it)
she kinda knows i like her but dk she maybe confused cuz i give mixed signals(i like her tho the mixed signals are not intentional)
she kinda knows i like her but dk she maybe confused cuz i give mixed signals(i like her tho the mixed signals are not intentional)
she may not know tbh, that’s probably why she brought that up as a talking point to see what you’d say for a clearer understanding of how the relationship between you two stands
ok i will resort to asking AI

Deciphering the Message​

The friend's behavior suggests a few things:

  1. Potential Jealousy or Insecurity: She might be feeling jealous or insecure about your relationship with the guy she mentioned. The playful teasing about the funny story coupled with the sudden refusal to share it could be a way to mask these feelings.
  2. Protective of Her Friend: She might be protecting her friend's feelings. The friend might have confided in her about feeling uncomfortable or insecure about your interest in the guy, and she's trying to respect that confidence.
  3. Misunderstanding or Miscommunication: There could be a misunderstanding or miscommunication between you and the friend. Perhaps she misinterpreted something you said or did, leading her to believe you have deeper feelings for the guy than you actually do.
The ultimate reason for her behavior is likely a combination of these factors.

It's important to note that this is just an interpretation based on the limited information provided.
To truly understand the situation, it would be helpful to have a direct conversation with the friend to clarify her feelings and intentions.

Would you like to explore potential responses or actions based on this interpretation?
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  • #9

Deciphering the Message​

The friend's behavior suggests a few things:

  1. Potential Jealousy or Insecurity: She might be feeling jealous or insecure about your relationship with the guy she mentioned. The playful teasing about the funny story coupled with the sudden refusal to share it could be a way to mask these feelings.
  2. Protective of Her Friend: She might be protecting her friend's feelings. The friend might have confided in her about feeling uncomfortable or insecure about your interest in the guy, and she's trying to respect that confidence.
  3. Misunderstanding or Miscommunication: There could be a misunderstanding or miscommunication between you and the friend. Perhaps she misinterpreted something you said or did, leading her to believe you have deeper feelings for the guy than you actually do.
The ultimate reason for her behavior is likely a combination of these factors.

It's important to note that this is just an interpretation based on the limited information provided.
To truly understand the situation, it would be helpful to have a direct conversation with the friend to clarify her feelings and intentions.

Would you like to explore potential responses or actions based on this interpretation?
a friend of her said something funny but immediately adds, "I won't tell you," and when you ask why, she says, "Because you'll tell her." Then when you insist, she says, "My friend said I sometimes feel like you like that guy (me)
she wants to be ur gf

she just testing if u like her or not
basically just say

"well it would be good if she is right(her friend)" and if she blush or gets flustered she likes u

-pua god RAJ GHRANDHICK 😎😎😎
a friend of her said something funny but immediately adds, "I won't tell you," and when you ask why, she says, "Because you'll tell her." Then when you insist, she says, "My friend said I sometimes feel like you like that guy (me)
Ok so I had to go take a walk to wake my brain up and think abt this and here's what I got.
she seems to like you but she wanted to bring it out in a playful way to see what you would do.
Honestly if I was you I would try to have a convo with her to yk discuss your feelings abt each other or clear up the air bc it could also possibly be a misunderstanding and she was in fact just joking abt it and not taking it seriously. I've seen it happen to quite a few of my friends and sometimes they may say that to one of their guy friends being like "____ told me that she thinks I like you" and then they both laugh it off bc they don't like each other that way.
That's why I think you guys should jus have a open discussion to see what you really feel abt each other and if she doesn't feel the same way that you feel then it's her loss but if she does then congrats !!

I lowkey got lazy to think if there's any more possibilities of what this could mean so here's the chatgpt version-

When a female says that a friend of hers said something funny but adds, "I won't tell you," and then explains that it's because you'll tell her, followed by, "My friend said I sometimes feel like you like that guy (me)," it generally means a few things:

  1. Humor and Playfulness: The initial comment about not telling you might be a playful way to build suspense or create curiosity. It’s a common technique in conversations to engage someone’s interest.
  2. Concern About Sharing Information: The idea that you might tell the person being talked about (in this case, “her”) indicates that the comment might be sensitive or personal. She might be worried that sharing it could lead to unintended consequences or complications.
  3. Revelation of Feelings: When she says, "My friend said I sometimes feel like you like that guy (me)," it suggests that there’s a conversation about your feelings or the dynamics between you and the guy in question. It could be a way of revealing that there might be some speculation or observation about your interest in someone.
In essence, she's sharing that her friend has noticed or commented on a possible romantic interest you might have, but she’s presenting it in a teasing or indirect way. If you’re interested in understanding more or if this has piqued your curiosity, you might consider discussing it openly with her. This could clear up any misunderstandings and help you understand her perspective better.
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  • #13
Ok so I had to go take a walk to wake my brain up and think abt this and here's what I got.
she seems to like you but she wanted to bring it out in a playful way to see what you would do.
Honestly if I was you I would try to have a convo with her to yk discuss your feelings abt each other or clear up the air bc it could also possibly be a misunderstanding and she was in fact just joking abt it and not taking it seriously. I've seen it happen to quite a few of my friends and sometimes they may say that to one of their guy friends being like "____ told me that she thinks I like you" and then they both laugh it off bc they don't like each other that way.
That's why I think you guys should jus have a open discussion to see what you really feel abt each other and if she doesn't feel the same way that you feel then it's her loss but if she does then congrats !!

I lowkey got lazy to think if there's any more possibilities of what this could mean so here's the chatgpt version-

When a female says that a friend of hers said something funny but adds, "I won't tell you," and then explains that it's because you'll tell her, followed by, "My friend said I sometimes feel like you like that guy (me)," it generally means a few things:

  1. Humor and Playfulness: The initial comment about not telling you might be a playful way to build suspense or create curiosity. It’s a common technique in conversations to engage someone’s interest.
  2. Concern About Sharing Information: The idea that you might tell the person being talked about (in this case, “her”) indicates that the comment might be sensitive or personal. She might be worried that sharing it could lead to unintended consequences or complications.
  3. Revelation of Feelings: When she says, "My friend said I sometimes feel like you like that guy (me)," it suggests that there’s a conversation about your feelings or the dynamics between you and the guy in question. It could be a way of revealing that there might be some speculation or observation about your interest in someone.
In essence, she's sharing that her friend has noticed or commented on a possible romantic interest you might have, but she’s presenting it in a teasing or indirect way. If you’re interested in understanding more or if this has piqued your curiosity, you might consider discussing it openly with her. This could clear up any misunderstandings and help you understand her perspective better.
she wants to be ur gf

she just testing if u like her or not
basically just say

"well it would be good if she is right(her friend)" and if she blush or gets flustered she likes u

-pua god RAJ GHRANDHICK 😎😎😎

update:she likes me,she said she would marry me...i am saved.
billions must breed
a friend of her said something funny but immediately adds, "I won't tell you," and when you ask why, she says, "Because you'll tell her." Then when you insist, she says, "My friend said I sometimes feel like you like that guy (me)
thats some 14 years old adolescent girl with no personality or culture type of behavior. Get moged

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