The low intelligence of my peers. You see it all around you if you're in my shoes. In any community I'm a part of, I can see lower capacity to truly innovate or understand nuance, which in my opinion is one big sign of lower overall intelligence. Do I believe I have the greatest capacity for intelligence? No. But I do notice it's less common to see the nuance of life, which takes a bigger brain, so to speak, to even consider. Sometimes I truly do feel like I'm a human surrounded by monkeys. It's exhausting, and the rare folks I can actually have deep conversations with bring me a lot of joy. I can say, luckily, there is a higher rate of intelligence in this side of the internet than others. The minute I visit my alt in bodybuilding communities, the bro heads over there are super slow. Dumb as rocks and there is zero ability to articulate real innovative ideas.