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What has the internet done to this world...


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Jul 30, 2023
I was in r/vent on reddit and I saw a post written by a girl who hates being black. I've seen loads of the "I hate being *insert any minority*" posts but this one was on another level. I clicked into the girls profile and good God, every single post was her just venting about how much she hates being black. The girl had even made her own subreddit "r/transracebtw". It's just a whole community of extremely insecure black people. Some of their posts include twitter posts from accounts like Radio Genoa or however you spell it and Blacks taking L's attempting to prove that all white people hate black people. A lot of these posts are beyond insane.

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I PM'd this girl and asked her if she has any friends, as expected she said no. She lives in Europe and she bleaches. Her parents bleach too and apparently don't let her be friends with other black people because they are too "ghetto".

Now the thing about all of this is that a certain level of low self-esteem and insecurity in the average black person living in a PWA (Predominately White Area) is always expected. Even I myself have posted a thread about how much it can suck being a black girl living in a PWA. But... using far right echo chambers like twitter as a reflection of the real world is beyond insane.

Problem with all of these people is that they don't have a diverse group of friends never mind friends in general. As someone who's one of three black people in a year group of 260, I can say with confidence that not all white people suck. There is a good few of them that do suck but not all of them. Living on the internet as a black person, especially in recent times is going to kill your confidence especially when you take everything you see seriously. If I took everything I saw online seriously I wouldn't be on a forum like this. If I had a euro for the amount of times I've been called a "sheboon" on forums like this one I'd be a rich woman, but yet I don't care, because right now, I'm just looking at a bunch of LED's on a rectangle that I can shut off at anytime and hang out with my friends who aren't asshole racists and are normal people who exist beyond the hellscape that is the internet.

Living in the real world is so important, having friends is so important, especially a diverse group of them. You begin to view people as individuals with real lives rather than them as part of a monolithic hivemind. I've met good white people and I've met bad white people, I've met bad black people and I've met good black people and so on and so on. The internet makes people forget that we are all different people with different thoughts, different opinions, different lifestyles. The internet is just a warped magnified perception of the real world. I truly feel bad for people who only exist on the internet.

I was recently lurking on You know, the place where racism, sexism and all kinds of -isms and -phobias are at their peak. I saw a thread asking users if they have ever had a black friend and guess what, no, a lot of them said they had never even interacted with black person, a couple saying that they have interacted with black people but they were "normal". I just find it so crazy that you can have such strong opinions on people you've never even interacted with due to the graces of the internet. What a shame, what a shame.

This is life in the 21st century...


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    67 KB · Views: 32
this is propaganda to prevent black people from existing bro
cope tbh. ive seen a lot of fine black women. idk how the racism is like, cant say ive experienced that πŸ’€ and also location, most of the racism i say is as a joke idk
Now the thing about all of this is that a certain level of low self-esteem and insecurity in the average black person living in a PWA (Predominately White Area) is always expected. Even I myself have posted a thread about how much it can suck being a black girl living in a PWA. But... using far right echo chambers like twitter as a reflection of the real world is beyond insane.

Problem with all of these people is that they don't have a diverse group of friends never mind friends in general. As someone who's one of three black people in a year group of 260, I can say with confidence that not all white people suck. There is a good few of them that do suck but not all of them. Living on the internet as a black person, especially in recent times is going to kill your confidence especially when you take everything you see seriously. If I took everything I saw online seriously I wouldn't be on a forum like this. If I had a euro for the amount of times I've been called a "sheboon" on forums like this one I'd be a rich woman, but yet I don't care, because right now, I'm just looking at a bunch of LED's on a rectangle that I can shut off at anytime and hang out with my friends who aren't asshole racists and are normal people who exist beyond the hellscape that is the internet.

Living in the real world is so important, having friends is so important, especially a diverse group of them. You begin to view people as individuals with real lives rather than them as part of a monolithic hivemind. I've met good white people and I've met bad white people, I've met bad black people and I've met good black people and so on and so on. The internet makes people forget that we are all different people with different thoughts, different opinions, different lifestyles. The internet is just a warped magnified perception of the real world. I truly feel bad for people who only exist on the internet.
bars tbh
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  • #3
this is propaganda to prevent black people from existing bro
Nah trust me, I've seen black people with this level of self hate
This is.. just sad

I truly feel for her I can’t imagine what she’s going through, I’m a white heterosexual male with blue eyes and even I sometimes feel ostracised so what she’s feeling must suck

This is what’s bad about the internet, as wonderful as the age of information is, I truly think the echo-chambers of social media are warping people’s perceptions of reality in an awful way

This is the EXACT opposite way the internet should be affecting us
Yea this is pretty sad
Bottom of the barrel confidence
She probably just doesn't like being black because of LOOKISM.
She probably just doesn't like having black skin, wider nose, prognathism, big lips, etc... Not because she belongs to a racial group with the lowest iq on earth or anything else. Who knows if she even knows that fact and the real reason blacks are hated.
Can relate. Currently whitemaxxing.

Besides tho, why would someone LIKE being ethnic, especially black?
Having the monotone coloring of shit, uglier facial features, lower IQ, being associated with short tempered people that trash everywhere they go to, who have almost never contributed to the world...
I saw a thread asking users if they have ever had a black friend and guess what, no, a lot of them said they had never even interacted with black person, a couple saying that they have interacted with black people but they were "normal". I just find it so crazy that you can have such strong opinions on people you've never even interacted with due to the graces of the internet. What a shame, what a shame.
Yeah it's pretty dumb to hate blacks when you've never lived around them. But if you have you know how they are.
I'm not even racist, but i have lived around them, and i understand why someone would be

But thanks to the internet, there are tons of corners dedicated to showing how they behave. You dont need to worry about actually being around them and possibly being threatened to see how they are.
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  • #10
She probably just doesn't like being black because of LOOKISM.
She probably just doesn't like having black skin, wider nose, prognathism, big lips, etc... Not because she belongs to a racial group with the lowest iq on earth or anything else. Who knows if she even knows that fact and the real reason blacks are hated.
Can relate. Currently whitemaxxing.

Besides tho, why would someone LIKE being ethnic, especially black?
Having the monotone coloring of shit, uglier facial features, lower IQ, being associated with short tempered people that trash everywhere they go to, who have almost never contributed to the world...
hmm.. I won't start
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  • #11
Yeah it's pretty dumb to hate blacks when you've never lived around them. But if you have you know how they are.
I'm not even racist, but i have lived around them, and i understand why someone would be

But thanks to the internet, there are tons of corners dedicated to showing how they behave. You dont need to worry about actually being around them and possibly being threatened to see how they are.
"they" they they. Bro we are not a monolith.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #12
She probably just doesn't like being black because of LOOKISM.
She probably just doesn't like having black skin, wider nose, prognathism, big lips, etc... Not because she belongs to a racial group with the lowest iq on earth or anything else. Who knows if she even knows that fact and the real reason blacks are hated.
Can relate. Currently whitemaxxing.

Besides tho, why would someone LIKE being ethnic, especially black?
Having the monotone coloring of shit, uglier facial features, lower IQ, being associated with short tempered people that trash everywhere they go to, who have almost never contributed to the world...
Yeah it's pretty dumb to hate blacks when you've never lived around them. But if you have you know how they are.
I'm not even racist, but i have lived around them, and i understand why someone would be

But thanks to the internet, there are tons of corners dedicated to showing how they behave. You dont need to worry about actually being around them and possibly being threatened to see how they are.
I don't know what country ur from but as someone who is black and has lived around other black people and also IN AFRICA we are definitely not as bad as people say we are. A lot of the "black people bad" rhetoric is just confirmation bias.

I agree with some of this but here's my opinion on being black if you haven't already read this

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