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What is keeping you alive atp?


Well-known member
Established ★★
Dec 22, 2024
For me it is my family and dogs and faith. In rest I feel like life is really shitty.
My whole life looks have been the thing that matter the most after family and I am truly mad when I see pretty girls. I couldn't cope with seeing them irl. Probably I would not even care about law and stuff and straight up want to desfigurate them. I am furious that even if I do improvements in my life I can t get more than mid. I am just mad...why no high cheekbones, no defined jaw, no pretty hair, no lashes, no eyeshape, no forehead, no maxilla, why? Why would a person who has been they whole life since a child obsessed with looks have to cope with so many flaws? I am sick and tired of everyone. I would wish they would execute all pretty people.they all ruin our lives.
You are just compliment also know that u look good
Mtb≠good looking.
I have mentioned lots of times i don t want to be just normally good looking.
If I really wanted compliments and glazing, would have remained on reddit
Getting larger and lifting heavier objects and I want to travel more the world with cute gf one day
Mtb≠good looking.
I have mentioned lots of times i don t want to be just normally good looking.
If I really wanted compliments and glazing, would have remained on reddit
You are not mtb..I saw ur some pics and you look better than turkish actresses..don't are atleast htb
For me it is my family and dogs and faith. In rest I feel like life is really shitty.
My whole life looks have been the thing that matter the most after family and I am truly mad when I see pretty girls. I couldn't cope with seeing them irl. Probably I would not even care about law and stuff and straight up want to desfigurate them. I am furious that even if I do improvements in my life I can t get more than mid. I am just mad...why no high cheekbones, no defined jaw, no pretty hair, no lashes, no eyeshape, no forehead, no maxilla, why? Why would a person who has been they whole life since a child obsessed with looks have to cope with so many flaws? I am sick and tired of everyone. I would wish they would execute all pretty people.they all ruin our lives.
Fear of hell pretty much. Raised in Christianity so it always stuck, so.
Tbh I don't fear hell, but God. I truly believe there is something up there.
I hope there is too but I don’t know, I don’t want to end up in hell though if there is one, hence why I haven’t made any efforts to speed up me finding that out recently if you know what I mean.
For me it is my family and dogs and faith. In rest I feel like life is really shitty.
My whole life looks have been the thing that matter the most after family and I am truly mad when I see pretty girls. I couldn't cope with seeing them irl. Probably I would not even care about law and stuff and straight up want to desfigurate them. I am furious that even if I do improvements in my life I can t get more than mid. I am just mad...why no high cheekbones, no defined jaw, no pretty hair, no lashes, no eyeshape, no forehead, no maxilla, why? Why would a person who has been they whole life since a child obsessed with looks have to cope with so many flaws? I am sick and tired of everyone. I would wish they would execute all pretty people.they all ruin our lives.
Femcel vibes you should see a therapist this isn't normal to be hateful like that.
You suffer from confidence issues and body dysmorphia
I've seen more handsome men than me and beautiful women i'll probably never get, but i doesn't want to knock them out

I am truly mad when I see pretty girls. I couldn't cope with seeing them irl. Probably I would not even care about law and stuff and straight up want to desfigurate them. I am furious that even if I do improvements in my life I can t get more than mid. I am just mad
Girl you're above average as a MTB, the average woman is high LTB at best if i remove all the fatties and extremely ugly women
Plus you leave in the UK, not Poland, Italy or Russia

Why would a person who has been they whole life since a child obsessed with looks have to cope with so many flaws? I am sick and tired of everyone. I would wish they would execute all pretty people.they all ruin our lives.
You have issues, girl. Did you get your crush/bf stolen by a stacylite or what ?
I hope there is too but I don’t know, I don’t want to end up in hell though if there is one, hence why I haven’t made any efforts to speed up me finding that out recently if you know what I mean.
We go straight up to hell my g
For me it is my family and dogs and faith. In rest I feel like life is really shitty.
My whole life looks have been the thing that matter the most after family and I am truly mad when I see pretty girls. I couldn't cope with seeing them irl. Probably I would not even care about law and stuff and straight up want to desfigurate them. I am furious that even if I do improvements in my life I can t get more than mid. I am just mad...why no high cheekbones, no defined jaw, no pretty hair, no lashes, no eyeshape, no forehead, no maxilla, why? Why would a person who has been they whole life since a child obsessed with looks have to cope with so many flaws? I am sick and tired of everyone. I would wish they would execute all pretty people.they all ruin our lives.
Trying to live up to my potential, I want to be a great woman, daughter, wife, and friend. I want to be successful and have a cute family, and make up for the shit I’ve put my parents through
For me it is my family and dogs and faith. In rest I feel like life is really shitty.
My whole life looks have been the thing that matter the most after family and I am truly mad when I see pretty girls. I couldn't cope with seeing them irl. Probably I would not even care about law and stuff and straight up want to desfigurate them. I am furious that even if I do improvements in my life I can t get more than mid. I am just mad...why no high cheekbones, no defined jaw, no pretty hair, no lashes, no eyeshape, no forehead, no maxilla, why? Why would a person who has been they whole life since a child obsessed with looks have to cope with so many flaws? I am sick and tired of everyone. I would wish they would execute all pretty people.they all ruin our lives.
Knowing that there are those who depend on my existence and God who wants me to survive.
You have issues, girl. Did you get your crush/bf stolen by a stacylite or what ?
I never had a crush...also I don't get why you make it about men? I couldn't care less about what a men thinks subjectively.
Girl you're above average as a MTB, the average woman is high LTB at best if i remove all the fatties and extremely ugly women
Plus you leave in the UK, not Poland, Italy or Russia
To me MTB is low. I don't want it. Not in the conditions when there are lots of women way higher. I mean women without surgery or makeup btw.
Femcel vibes you should see a therapist this isn't normal to be hateful like that.
You suffer from confidence issues and body dysmorphia
I've seen more handsome men than me and beautiful women i'll probably never get, but i doesn't want to knock them out
Femcel means someone who calls other women ugly which I never did.
der Wille zur Macht
You are not mtb..I saw ur some pics and you look better than turkish actresses..don't are atleast htb
See the comments above.
Femcel means someone who calls other women ugly which I never did.
Nah a femcel just hate being ignored on the dating market and have just plain hate for the girls who do better than them, they hate men also
Nah a femcel just hate being ignored on the dating market and have just plain hate for the girls who do better than them, they hate men also
Darling I don t give a f about dating😭😭😭
Also I wouldn't call it hate, more like frustration. I said it in the wrong way. i wouldn't harm them, I would rathee harm myself
Also I wouldn't call it hate, more like frustration. I said it in the wrong way. i wouldn't harm them, I would rathee harm myself
You have issues then, it's not normal
For me it is my family and dogs and faith. In rest I feel like life is really shitty.
My whole life looks have been the thing that matter the most after family and I am truly mad when I see pretty girls. I couldn't cope with seeing them irl. Probably I would not even care about law and stuff and straight up want to desfigurate them. I am furious that even if I do improvements in my life I can t get more than mid. I am just mad...why no high cheekbones, no defined jaw, no pretty hair, no lashes, no eyeshape, no forehead, no maxilla, why? Why would a person who has been they whole life since a child obsessed with looks have to cope with so many flaws? I am sick and tired of everyone. I would wish they would execute all pretty people.they all ruin our lives.
Probably mine to want to achieve my goals and feel pressure from my father to someday be a better businessman than him and hopefully have a nice life one day my mental pretty shitty since comparison is the thief of joy and its true just want to fully maxx out my looks and status in life
For me it is my family and dogs and faith. In rest I feel like life is really shitty.
My whole life looks have been the thing that matter the most after family and I am truly mad when I see pretty girls. I couldn't cope with seeing them irl. Probably I would not even care about law and stuff and straight up want to desfigurate them. I am furious that even if I do improvements in my life I can t get more than mid. I am just mad...why no high cheekbones, no defined jaw, no pretty hair, no lashes, no eyeshape, no forehead, no maxilla, why? Why would a person who has been they whole life since a child obsessed with looks have to cope with so many flaws? I am sick and tired of everyone. I would wish they would execute all pretty people.they all ruin our lives.
Probably mine to want to achieve my goals and feel pressure from my father to someday be a better businessman than him and hopefully have a nice life one day my mental pretty shitty since comparison is the thief of joy and its true just want to fully maxx out my looks and status in life
For me it is my family and dogs and faith. In rest I feel like life is really shitty.
My whole life looks have been the thing that matter the most after family and I am truly mad when I see pretty girls. I couldn't cope with seeing them irl. Probably I would not even care about law and stuff and straight up want to desfigurate them. I am furious that even if I do improvements in my life I can t get more than mid. I am just mad...why no high cheekbones, no defined jaw, no pretty hair, no lashes, no eyeshape, no forehead, no maxilla, why? Why would a person who has been they whole life since a child obsessed with looks have to cope with so many flaws? I am sick and tired of everyone. I would wish they would execute all pretty people.they all ruin our lives.
not sure tbh I should probably kms
My sub5 luck. I tried to rope but woke up in the hospital. Then, they put me in the social work volunteering program and I have been washing and shaving hairy balls of old paralyzed men every weekend
Jeff Seid at 16, I have similar insertions as him. I can't die until I can see what I'm capable of myself.
(he is natty here)
