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Discussion What is mewing really? Does it actually make a difference?


New member
Jan 8, 2023
For me I’m a nose breather and I observed no change by changing the position of my tongue but when I positioned my teeth perfectly together I saw immediate change and it’s been a week since I’ve been keeping my mouth in that position when I’m idle and I got used to it.

Is this how mewing works? Or does it magically change your facial structure (which I highly doubt)?

Most of the mewing transformations I’ve seen start with the person having no muscle and they’re fat or deathly skinny, then in the after picture they’ve obviously lost weight, trained their jaw muscles and are flexing it while taking the picture.

Ofcourse you are going to see a jawline when you’re at a healthy weight.
Your facial structure is hugely a genetic component, once you have reached adulthood there is no natural way of changing it. People who start mewing often will start some sort of physical training or dieting so the results they see is due to losing facial fat
If you have a fallen chin and you feel tension there when mewing and your bottom jaw feels like it’s being pushed forward you’re doing it right. Like you I started mewing only focusing on my tongue position but when I fixed my teeth position. Also, anyone can improve their facial structure by mewing regardless of age. Only if you’re under 21 you’ll get a quicker results as you’re still growing. Mewing is something to do for the rest of your life as you’re meant to nose breathe so don’t worry about it and when the inevitable time passes you’ll see the results. Also, if you want to look more attractive you must implement all those healthy habits anyway not just mew.