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Discussion What is the ideal sleeping position?


New member
Jul 27, 2024
I have seen a lot of debate about what the ideal sleeping position is. Some people say on your back so your face isn't being squished on one side, but other people say that sleeping on your back is bad for your posture and that you need to sleep on your side. So, what is the ideal sleep position? Also, does anyone have any tips for sleeping on their back, if that is ideal? I am literally unable to fall asleep on my back.
Sleeping on ur back is good for acne and preventing wrinkles
What is the best way to sleep on your back? I will lay there for hours but never actually fall asleep, I can only sleep on my side. Also I heard its also good for bloating because gravity is pulling your face and the liquids down/away from your face, is this true?
What is the best way to sleep on your back? I will lay there for hours but never actually fall asleep, I can only sleep on my side. Also I heard its also good for bloating because gravity is pulling your face and the liquids down/away from your face, is this true?
I usually just spread out I dont sleep like a soldier I Just keep my spine and head in line but my legs can change. Also, Idk about the bloating Im sure it just happens regardless of how you sleep but you dont know until you try.
I have seen a lot of debate about what the ideal sleeping position is. Some people say on your back so your face isn't being squished on one side, but other people say that sleeping on your back is bad for your posture and that you need to sleep on your side. So, what is the ideal sleep position? Also, does anyone have any tips for sleeping on their back, if that is ideal? I am literally unable to fall asleep on my back.
Sleep upside down
i can never fall asleep on my back, i need to sleep on my stomach (usually) and sometimes side and/or fetal. then i wake up in a random position
people say back sleeping is good cuz no acne and fixes assymetry, but also it causes sleep apnea
if youre gonna sleep on your side, sleep on your left side. this is cuz of your stomach, you dont wanna get acid reflux
this image is kinda inaccurate but sums it up:
stomach sleeping is bad but i cant help it
in general sleep on the left side or on the back with mouthtape and elevated pillow
Sleeping on ur back is good for acne and preventing wrinkles
Don't sleep on your back, it completely ruins sleep quality. Acne and wrinkles can be prevented in other ways however sleep quality cannot, personally I don't see a difference to sleeping on any side, there are no studies that show concrete evidence that sleeping on a certain side provides any more benefit than the others. sleep quality is one of the best looksmaxxers and you don't want to sacrifice it
some of you might find this interesting, I've heard about special pillows that essentially stop your face from getting pressed into the pillow while you sleep. Its supposed to prevent wrinkles caused by sleeping on your side
u have a girlfriend

sleeping while hugging her is optimal for you
It is ideal to sleep on your back. As for you being unable to sleep on your back, I can say that I've been in the same situation. I know it sounds obvious but you just have to force yourself to adjust to the position. For most of my life I slept on my side, and still occasionally do, but after forcing myself to sleep on my back I eventually got used to it. The benefits outweigh the initial slight discomfort.