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Discussion What is the prototype of the girl they like?

I think I fell in love with the first girl. I like it too much when they have a round face.
I agree, but you’d be disappointed if you saw other pictures of her. Her name is Jenna Ortega, and in most pictures her Jaw is extremely angular and masculine.
I agree, but you’d be disappointed if you saw other pictures of her. Her name is Jenna Ortega, and in most pictures her Jaw is extremely angular and masculine.
The angle did her well in this
slavic or east asian chicks (preferablly slavic) (has to speak russian :love:)
irises so dark you can barely see the pupils
smart, and is good at STEM
nice and patient but also good humored
good smile :peepoLove:
pics pls
I don't like real women only fictional and celebrities stacys
Never seen a stacy i have seen thugmaxxed chads in india ( they might as well he criminals)
Only my school receptionist has stacy potential but she is 35+ and overweight and very good personality (i am still not attracted to her)

I don't like ugly women and pretty women are bitches

If theres a good looking good (min high mtb) female who is tall (if a good body then good but min is not fat and good hip to waist ) then i like her
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