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@Autismcel @Clone @6PSLcel @Kaari another one from .org lol

btw this site is I wouldnt want to say a knockoff but this site is very close with the .org demographic
most of this site also have accounts on .org

so its almost like ur on .org but with stricter rules, and I mean the rules are pretty strict lol
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  • #6
That’s cool, I rather the rules be strict but set in stone, as opposed to the cucked digital weimar Republic way of enforcing shit that is org
yeah the clavicular and lebg drama is so annoying. it's two incels fighting over nothing, and i'm confused on why clavicular hasnt been demoted already, he's literally been proven to abuse his perms as a moderator anyway.
yeah the clavicular and lebg drama is so annoying. it's two incels fighting over nothing, and i'm confused on why clavicular hasnt been demoted already, he's literally been proven to abuse his perms as a moderator anyway.
he was demoted for a day but somehow came back

its also unfair bc all he has to say to mods is "muh I want better for the community" meanwhile he tells users to kts, spazzes out when u anger him,etc.
n***a you remmember me boyo i haven t seen you in a while.

I got banned from .org btw

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  • #10
he was demoted for a day but somehow came back

its also unfair bc all he has to say to mods is "muh I want better for the community" meanwhile he tells users to kts, spazzes out when u anger him,etc.
yeah thats why i never really interacted with him because he's what i dislike in those communities. Lebg - i don't know why he even bothers with .org even though he's already stated many times he doesn't believe in looksmaxxing and that if you are a ltn right now, you will always be a ltn. Clavicular on the other hand thinks posting his shitty brag threads about slaying (which the average mtn who isnt an abused dog has probably gotten) is pin worthy, and jsut blatantly ignores other well-made threads, meanwhile he pins his own shitty threads in the hopes of getting validation from KHHV men on an obscure website like .org .
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  • #11
n***a you remmember me boyo i haven t seen you in a while.

I got banned from .org btw

yes i do, hello bhai
@Autismcel @Clone @6PSLcel @Kaari another one from .org lol

btw this site is I wouldnt want to say a knockoff but this site is very close with the .org demographic
most of this site also have accounts on .org

so its almost like ur on .org but with stricter rules, and I mean the rules are pretty strict lol
bro didnt tag me
