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Discussion What is y'all's opinion on .org?

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A lot of nsane and very depressed people. More info and people than here tho.

The ideas are based tho. "I'll do injection into my eyes myself. Even if I die - at least I'll die with a positive canthal tilt" or smth like that
not bad tbh
I don't have an account there either but Ive seen the forum people are a bunch of sad retarded incels who just drag u down. On this one people actually help u and are nice
A lot of nsane and very depressed people. More info and people than here tho.

The ideas are based tho. "I'll do injection into my eyes myself. Even if I die - at least I'll die with a positive canthal tilt" or smth like that
It's a nice place. People there aren't so bad actually. The ones who are really depressed are actually very few. A lot of folks just regurgitate depressing sounding stuff.

A lot of cool characters when you scratch beneath the surface.
Shit site. Unfortunately it's my bias that prevents me from looking at .org as the place to be. Too many things I experienced that negatively tainted it. Besides most of the OGs actually leave and end up agree it's a shit community. There's a reason all of them have mostly moved on with their lives. It's for kids at best and the few lingering adults just haven't mentally grown past it. All these members in .org will eventually leave and go on to have family's or maybe even ascend. They will come to see the negativity surrounded by .org was self created and not society imposing that perception. If inside members can see it for what it is eventually then there is truth to it. You either grow as a person or rot. .org does not fit into those that grew as a person. It's only a halfway house for the lost.
@NumbThePain we are doomed as mods.
Joever. It’s a war! Fuck, they banning us now! Just kidding. I like both sites

Shit site. Unfortunately it's my bias that prevents me from looking at .org as the place to be. Too many things I experienced that negatively tainted it. Besides most of the OGs actually leave and end up agree it's a shit community. There's a reason all of them have mostly moved on with their lives. It's for kids at best and the few lingering adults just haven't mentally grown past it. All these members in .org will eventually leave and go on to have family's or maybe even ascend. They will come to see the negativity surrounded by .org was self created and not society imposing that perception. If inside members can see it for what it is eventually then there is truth to it. You either grow as a person or rot. .org does not fit into those that grew as a person. It's only a halfway house for the lost.
Same site, same format but different people and different rules. .org feels more aligned with the incelosphere ( not allowing foids, overlapping userbase with .is etc. )

Pre-2023 .is during 2020 was so good though, I had a euophoric feeling browsing as someone who was bullied in school during 2020. I couldn't believe my eyes. Really...

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