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What is your favorite series?

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  • #5
What is your fav anine?
i have 3 that are peak for me

1. Vinland Saga
2. Berserk (1997)
3. Hajime no ippo
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  • #6
could say baki is good too, pretty entertaining imo
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  • #7
btw i was an anime hater just a year ago
i just saw Berserk and my whole point of view changed
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  • #8
im thinking to start reading berserk manga too
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  • #9
Oh hahaha, i started watching around 2 years ago. But im into older anime, i just like the art style more
i still hate this kind of anime tho
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  • #11
real chad
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  • #12
Avatar the last airbender is peak too
i fucking love it
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  • #14
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  • #15
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  • #17
do you watch movies ?
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  • #19
I dont really watch movies, but i like die hard
watched all of them when i was younger, die hard was my favorites
Is jojo worth watching?
Nah, it’s just funny, I like it a lot because it’s kind of comic, nothing like a big plot or something, but great characters, all the characters have a good development, and the jokes are kind of immature but funny
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