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What kind of pill is this?

Blackpill, water is wet moment

If the majority of men haven't some backbone, they would do dual mating strategy (strategic pluralism) asap

But the problem is, 10% of men cannot satisfy 100% of women. Unless women are ready to share their man. So alot of women would end-up as single moms and genetics problems would occur in the 3rd & 4th generations

Women's liberation & birth control just unleashed a uncontrolled hypergamy, who put physical and sexual attraction criterias way more important than having stability in a relationship. To the point they rather be single and rely on sextoys than dating their looksmaxx.

The idea of going exclusively to the top males just entertain the so-called patriarchy, it's just men's elitism : genetics, money, ressources, power and... women as well. Brainrot social medias & Feminism has pushed that idea too

Unfortunately most attractive men will settle down with most attractive women to get high quality babies

It means a lot of women will end up childless & single, or being the quick hookup of the busy Chad/Chadlite/HTN+, and coping with a pseudo career
And it means a lot of men will end up childless & single, and they will not be the good dick of the stacies, coping with Onlyfans and money
start by killing everyone except top white europeans
then filter and refine them and kill the inferior whites left
nature is already eugenics, society kinda fucked it up but the true colors are pushing thru
there are many different mating strategies for humans..
higher percentile of men used to be actually attractive though. sv3rige has a video on this I believe about hypergamy in nature or if there even was hypergamy
higher percentile of men used to be actually attractive though. sv3rige has a video on this I believe about hypergamy in nature or if there even was hypergamy
i dont watch him, but can you briefly explain his thots
i dont watch him, but can you briefly explain his thots
He said that essentially because all humans were properly developed for the most part, there was no reason for hypergamy to occur. the only reason it could exist naturally if people were a) unsuccessful hunters or b) died before they could reproduce
He said that essentially because all humans were properly developed for the most part, there was no reason for hypergamy to occur. the only reason it could exist naturally if people were a) unsuccessful hunters or b) died before they could reproduce
1 in 17 men reproduced
even in nature very few get to reproduce, i mean it depends, but usually very few
also what time frames primarily
also what time frames primarily
numbers vary tbh
numbers vary tbh
if u take into perspective entire human history, yeah. nature was in a distant time ago tho

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