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What made you guys choose your usernames

I’ve had around four different usernames on these forums, iykyk.

My first one I thought would sound cool because it has version*insert number here* at the end like this one Minecraft PVP YouTuber and it was a common suffix for Minecraft pvp users to have, so I just added a cool word in front of that and rolled with it.

After deleting and coming back because I realized it didn’t make any difference to delete because I would still lurk I first submitted my username as Calinico which is Greek for some bullshit i can’t remember. (This account was rejected for AI claims even though I ain’t use that shit)

So then I remember seeing Jova around the forum(can’t remember if it was from Xangsane or not), and I though it sounded cool(I wanted Java originally but realized it wasn’t PSL related so it wouldn’t sound as good.

Then when I came on this forum I chose Whitepill because I wanted a PSL related username and @Jova was taken
I’ve had around four different usernames on these forums, iykyk.

My first one I thought would sound cool because it has version*insert number here* at the end like this one Minecraft PVP YouTuber and it was a common suffix for Minecraft pvp users to have, so I just added a cool word in front of that and rolled with it.

After deleting and coming back because I realized it didn’t make any difference to delete because I would still lurk I first submitted my username as Calinico which is Greek for some bullshit i can’t remember. (This account was rejected for AI claims even though I ain’t use that shit)

So then I remember seeing Jova around the forum(can’t remember if it was from Xangsane or not), and I though it sounded cool(I wanted Java originally but realized it wasn’t PSL related so it wouldn’t sound as good.

Then when I came on this forum I chose Whitepill because I wanted a PSL related username and @Jova was taken
Who is reading this
I’ve had around four different usernames on these forums, iykyk.

My first one I thought would sound cool because it has version*insert number here* at the end like this one Minecraft PVP YouTuber and it was a common suffix for Minecraft pvp users to have, so I just added a cool word in front of that and rolled with it.

After deleting and coming back because I realized it didn’t make any difference to delete because I would still lurk I first submitted my username as Calinico which is Greek for some bullshit i can’t remember. (This account was rejected for AI claims even though I ain’t use that shit)

So then I remember seeing Jova around the forum(can’t remember if it was from Xangsane or not), and I though it sounded cool(I wanted Java originally but realized it wasn’t PSL related so it wouldn’t sound as good.

Then when I came on this forum I chose Whitepill because I wanted a PSL related username and @Jova was taken
Old avi
I’ve had around four different usernames on these forums, iykyk.

My first one I thought would sound cool because it has version*insert number here* at the end like this one Minecraft PVP YouTuber and it was a common suffix for Minecraft pvp users to have, so I just added a cool word in front of that and rolled with it.

After deleting and coming back because I realized it didn’t make any difference to delete because I would still lurk I first submitted my username as Calinico which is Greek for some bullshit i can’t remember. (This account was rejected for AI claims even though I ain’t use that shit)

So then I remember seeing Jova around the forum(can’t remember if it was from Xangsane or not), and I though it sounded cool(I wanted Java originally but realized it wasn’t PSL related so it wouldn’t sound as good.

Then when I came on this forum I chose Whitepill because I wanted a PSL related username and @Jova was taken
@Incognito ypu remember my old account bhai?
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What made you choose yours?
I’m incognito, even with friends, I’ve always been that way, not sharing much about myself. I’m the guy they make TikToks about, the one who only replies once in a while in the group chat.
I’ve had around four different usernames on these forums, iykyk.

My first one I thought would sound cool because it has version*insert number here* at the end like this one Minecraft PVP YouTuber and it was a common suffix for Minecraft pvp users to have, so I just added a cool word in front of that and rolled with it.

After deleting and coming back because I realized it didn’t make any difference to delete because I would still lurk I first submitted my username as Calinico which is Greek for some bullshit i can’t remember. (This account was rejected for AI claims even though I ain’t use that shit)

So then I remember seeing Jova around the forum(can’t remember if it was from Xangsane or not), and I though it sounded cool(I wanted Java originally but realized it wasn’t PSL related so it wouldn’t sound as good.

Then when I came on this forum I chose Whitepill because I wanted a PSL related username and @Jova was taken
Nobody saw it coming that one of these same names eventually became part of PSL lingo:
Originally chose it in the earlier days of fortnite (2018). I was thinking of slicing/chopping down trees to get wood for the game, so that's where "Slicer" came to be
I don't use it anywhere else but it wasn't exactly random thought. I did this tiktok trend of lookalikes and majority of the comments were saying Grimes (I don't think I look like her...) and she has a song called Genesis so a variation of Genesis.
At first it was "nowhiff"

"whiff" = to mess up a combo or miss in a videogame, I played a lot of CS so I chose this name

Quickly changed it to "nowiff" due to liking the way it looks more

Then changed further to "n9wiff" to make it look even nicer imo
images (53).jpeg

Childhood candy... my username on steam used to be i_love_roosters but in my native language. I liked that username a lot but I started going by the English version cuz it was basically gibberish before. I now have n*****s telling me my name is a "homosexual dog whistle". As I said, it's a translation. Roosters = cocks is not valid in the language it was first used
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Childhood candy... my username on steam used to be i_love_roosters but in my native language. I liked that username a lot but I started going by the English version cuz it was basically gibberish before. I now have n*****s telling me my name is a "homosexual dog whistle". As I said, it's a translation. Roosters = cocks is not valid in the language it was first used
I always pictured you as a Bulgarian country boy with pet roosters.

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