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What should the tongue tip rest? Which number?

  • First, put the very tip of your tongue directly on the point between your two front teeth (Incisors) where they meet the gum line. If you move the tip of your tongue around slightly in this area, you’ll feel a hard ridge that is directly in line with the space between your two front teeth – the Incisive Papilla. It is here that the tip of your tongue will be at home – We will call this the Tip.
  • Put the tip of your tongue at Tip, where the middle of the top two incisors meet the gums. Keep the tip of the tongue locked here!

So 1
The correct way is 1 of course.
But theoretically, I believe placing it at 2 or 3 and pushing the maxilla further can increase the rate of forward growth. However, placing the tip of the tongue at 2 or 3 is not practically possible for longer periods of time. 1 is the way to go.
Ok, i hope we can agree with this.
When you place your tongue on the roop of your mouth, the sub mental region looks way better than loose picture. It is an instant benefit of mewing.
You may think it's a cope, but come on man, the submental region appears more aesthetic.
Ok, i hope we can agree with this.
When you place your tongue on the roop of your mouth, the sub mental region looks way better than loose picture. It is an instant benefit of mewing.
You may think it's a cope, but come on man, the submental region appears more aesthetic.
What about back third of the toungue?I thought this was a correct way
It literally says ONE PLACE FOR IT IDIOT. It tells you. the rest of the numbers are hightlited YELLOW and come out of the REST OF TONGUE CATAGORY FOR A REASON U FLAMING FQQT