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what threads do you guys wanna see

im rlly bored and wanna kill some time
any specific posts u guys wanna see like an NT guide or ranking softmaxxes or smth
lemme know down below! :)
NT guide. Heck yeah! I like those kinds of guides because I can scrutinize them and argue with you about what's what. I'm a real know it all.
NT guide or ranking softmaxxes or smth
both of these sound good
maybe also color theory/harmony/coordination (it has different names). i was thinking about writing that thread but got bored. if anyone writes a really good in depth one i will consider making it must read
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  • #10
both of these sound good
maybe also color theory/harmony/coordination (it has different names). i was thinking about writing that thread but got bored. if anyone writes a really good in depth one i will consider making it must read
i dont know much abt it rn but i could research it

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