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What would people think of someone with Chad looks who had no friends, no girlfriend, no fashion, stayed inside all day and had a junk filled room?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2024
Examples of Chad looks

If they had no friends, no sports/hobbies, no girlfriends, failing school, and stayed inside all day in a dirty room would they still be seen as a loser ?


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he would be seen as cool and mysterious, people would try to talk to him. so no, would not be seen as a loser.
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  • #4
he would be seen as cool and mysterious, people would try to talk to him. so no, would not be seen as a loser.
I see that being true, especially for Tyrone’s

But what if no one liked him because he had no personality other than acting weird? Essentially a corny goofball, ruining his mysteriousness
I see that being true, especially for Tyrone’s

But what if no one liked him because he had no personality other than acting weird 24/7?
no matter how weird a cl or chad is, there will always be people wanting to get close to him. same with sl and stacy, there’s people who don’t care as long as you look good.
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  • #6
no matter how weird a cl or chad is, there will always be people wanting to get close to him. same with sl and stacy, there’s people who don’t care as long as you look good.
I see that being true, especially for Tyrone’s

But what if no one liked him because he had no personality other than acting weird? Essentially a corny goofball, ruining his mysteriousness
You and your Tyrones. Sheesh.
If he's stay inside all day and act non nt, he's mysterious. If a ugly person stay and act non nt he's creepy.
they will try to fix him and try to spend time with him
People would try to aproach him, but make no mistake, if he acted weird and didn't approach anyone (instead, only being aproached), they would eventually get tired of him and leave.

Being good looking gives you many advantages in life, no doubt, but it doesn't give you a free pass for everything.
