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What's more important, height or face (as long as the height is 5"11 and above)?


Nov 19, 2024
Is it better to have a 6/10 face but be 6"1 or a 7/10 face but 6"0 or 5"11? Who would get mogged in this situation?
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But the height gives you more a dominant projection, doesn't it? Or does it not matter that much in the 5"11-6"2 range even if the person with a 6/10 face appears somewhat taller?
But the height gives you more a dominant projection, doesn't it? Or does it not matter that much in the 5"11-6"2 range even if the person with a 6/10 face appears somewhat taller?
if you within that range and htn-chaldite you should be pulling hella assuming you have good social skills when you get to that range its all within the ideal height for a male
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  • #7
But if you're too tall like 6 ft 3 or above is that actually a turn off? From what I know it's super rare to be above 6 ft 1 and have good facial proportions because all the extra height can mess up with your facial structure.
Dudes here forgot to mention than women will choose the better looking one as long as he is taller than her.

As a guy if you're 5'11 and she is 5'6 it will works, but if she's 6'1 it won't even if she finds him attractive
face if its 2 inches over the countries/areas average yeah
in Netherlands 6'3+ face matters more
in USA 5'11+ face matters more
Aren't these numbers way too close to mean anything. Like 8/10 face but 5'9" would be more interesting question no?

either way for slim margins gotta be face.

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