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Discussion Whats your hobby?

like learning anything gives me great satisfaction, especially when it is something useful or something passionate to me
like for example i would be bored if somebody taught me how to play lacrosse or genshin impact or something
but astronomy, physics, sciences in general, mathematics, languages, art, history, philosophy, society, the world at large and also small
i also like to watch movies and shows and have good time with other close people
also staring at women
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  • #18
like learning anything gives me great satisfaction, especially when it is something useful or something passionate to me
like for example i would be bored if somebody taught me how to play lacrosse or genshin impact or something
but astronomy, physics, sciences in general, mathematics, languages, art, history, philosophy, society, the world at large and also small
i also like to watch movies and shows and have good time with other close people
also staring at women
like learning anything gives me great satisfaction, especially when it is something useful or something passionate to me
like for example i would be bored if somebody taught me how to play lacrosse or genshin impact or something
but astronomy, physics, sciences in general, mathematics, languages, art, history, philosophy, society, the world at large and also small
i also like to watch movies and shows and have good time with other close people
also staring at women
I had an expansion after Ludwing Wittgeinstein, it showed how stupid most of philosophy and literature is. Also, after learning a lot from books, they start to be petitive, and new meaningful knowledge becomes rarer. Also, there is that moment were we need to pay the price of acquiring such truths, and that can really fuck we up if we aren't ready
- Working out : weightlifting, bodyweight, and cardio (homegym)
- Reading books and ebooks
- Restoring old straight razors
- Restoring old vintage tools (chainsaws, drillers, batteries, lamps, computers etc)
- PE
- Rizzing up unstable women
I had an expansion after Ludwing Wittgeinstein, it showed how stupid most of philosophy and literature is. Also, after learning a lot from books, they start to be petitive, and new meaningful knowledge becomes rarer. Also, there is that moment were we need to pay the price of acquiring such truths, and that can really fuck we up if we aren't ready
I feel like I've dried up most of philosophy knowledge.
So I spend more time focusing on science and real world experiences so I can apply knowledge.
And I don't feel fucked up by acquiring knowledge, I feel enlightened, like turning a new page in a novel of wonders
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