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Serious When you feel like your not doing enough


Professional Thugmaxxer
Sep 12, 2024
the penitentiary
Another day, goes by, and you feel like you have done nothing, your life is meaningless and everything is hopeless. On the other side there is somebody in the same boat, who even in working hard, has achieved not much, maybe even nothing. Yet you both feel like your own life is meaningless.

Sometimes you spend your days, scrolling tho tiktoks etc., wasting away and watching people make so much off of what in many cases is so little. If you believe that you are nothing, or you have not achieved much even though you have worked hard, then you must stop and think.

Think of it like a book, a story which tells of each person's life. You could be the same age but... still be on a different chapter. Those influencers, those people in your life who have achieved so much more than you, are on their chapter 20. You could be the same age, but your still on chapter 1.

Dwelling on your uneventful life is doing you no good, so instead of making it a cage around you to limit you, turn it into the chrysalis of a caterpillar, where even tho it may seem stuck, it will emerge, you will emerge, with new motivation and a new outlook.

There is still time in your life to do something great as long as your living, as long as your reading this. You could have a day left, but there is still much you can do.

Good day. I'm gonna start making this a thing if mine now.
good shit.

I just started taking advantage of the brutality of the black pill to get what I want.

I use people. the people I use think they are actually dominating me or doing a kind thing when in fact they are simply just being used.

people are meant to be played with, this is how society is made firstly, if you aren't playing, you aren't winning.


everyone on a subconscious level has their own motives anyway, this is just human nature and a fact.

abuse your power around idiots even if you don't have the looks halo for it.

some people are genuinely so desperate and braindead they will do anything for anybody.

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