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Who has put me on ignore ???

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
I was right only nihilus bhaiya has replied
Sigma prolly didn't reply cause thread is not focused on looks

He will prolly do later

But pookie didn't reply and she is online

She has me ignore cause i called her a suicide bomber prolly
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #9
I was right only nihilus bhaiya has replied
Sigma prolly didn't reply cause thread is not focused on looks

He will prolly do later

But pookie didn't reply and she is online

She has me ignore cause i called her a suicide bomber prolly
She wasn't online

But she hasn't replied to my other posts
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #19
im not ignoring anyone
i have no idea


Established Member
pretty boy lover · From milky way
Joined May 1, 2024
Last seen Yesterday 4:17 PM
you a'd her 12:46 pm on saturday
you got ignored :kekw:
She replied to some other posts

And didn't to many

So she is replying to only few posts
Unironically more people I ignore here then on .org, I only ignore one on there
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