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Discussion who is the most attractive member on the forum (no homo)

I'm literally done with my community anyways. Got raided yet again and disrespected by a bunch of stupid kids. These people beg for my experience and advice yet under the same breath disrespect me and shit on me. Taking a very very long break and physically removing myself from those who need me. I'll come back when I want to. Not about to cater to the current status quo and mentally wreck my mental health over it
This guys mocking you so you are going to leave the forum??

When did you get raided?
Yes lol. I have been made fun of way too many times, since I was young up to now, to realize that I'm a truly unattractive person. If it helps, I have been told I looked like a "boy" countless of times.
“If the world hates you, just remember, that it has hated me first” John 15:18
Not sure what that is supposed to mean but I'll take it as a compliment haha
I think it is, just means that you look friendly and unharmful. You could probably be the only person to look friendly in a shiesty if you wanted to.

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