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    This is a public discussion forum. The owners, staff, and users of this website ARE NOT engaged in rendering professional services to the individual reader. DO NOT use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licenced healthcare providers. DO NOT begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licenced medical supervision. Learn more

Whos advice would u take

Whos advice would u value more

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Someone who has directly experienced what they are saying and have equally as such results to back up what they say in many Manny Manny formats Including video live streams and even people who benefited off the experience of the person. (Me)

Though a doctor with a legit degree is still a bit more credible than someone like me though it's being found alot of doctors are just yes men who don't really try to use their knowledge to explore what's out there. Also yeah fake degrees are also a concern

Also there's a few users in the community who likely will become doctors due to their high iq inclination towards helping people so it's hard to say. So maybe that combo would create the best knowledge source.
I hate doctors they are scammers
Lots are. Not all are. It's obvious a situational decision. If the doctor is more public and allows all he does to be on display including accountability it's likely he can be trusted ( if he never accepts the current knowledge as the end all be all but instead simply what we currently know) someone like MPMD IS QUITE trustworthy even though he's not a legit doctor. He at least functions like an ideal doctor could be with his quest for the truth.

Too many endocrinologists simply parrot old studies and research or what they learned in collage and refuses to accept recent studies or accepts new info. Those doctors are the issue.
Just be a test rabbit theory
I do this to myself always. I test myself before I make any claim. I rather die trying something before I give advice and kill someone for it. I couldn't live with myself if I killed someone over some advice

You are also more likely to not mess up when your body is on the line.

More likely to do proper research, will take conservative risk management choices etc.
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Someone who has directly experienced what they are saying and have equally as such results to back up what they say in many Manny Manny formats Including video live streams and even people who benefited off the experience of the person. (Me)

Though a doctor with a legit degree is still a bit more credible than someone like me though it's being found alot of doctors are just yes men who don't really try to use their knowledge to explore what's out there. Also yeah fake degrees are also a concern

Also there's a few users in the community who likely will become doctors due to their high iq inclination towards helping people so it's hard to say. So maybe that combo would create the best knowledge source.
Didi u are medical student right?
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