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Discussion Who's going to be president?

It's irrelevant imo, however I think Harris has the best bet after that debate. It will be much closer than previous years though.

Ban appeal

Yall ain't never going to respond ever bruh. Look, whatever it is that I did, please just get rid of it and let me back in. @Lmao already removed the comment. @0hMan, if it wasn't for posting low effort then what was it. I need to know man. This is the message @Lmao sent me.Quncho,You have a...

Brutal man, hope you get unbanned
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  • #5

Ban appeal

Yall ain't never going to respond ever bruh. Look, whatever it is that I did, please just get rid of it and let me back in. @Lmao already removed the comment. @0hMan, if it wasn't for posting low effort then what was it. I need to know man. This is the message @Lmao sent me.Quncho,You have a...

Brutal man, hope you get unbanned
Yeah. It was an accident between me and my brother. We both in our 20's and own a business. We both have accounts using the same ip leading to an altercation with mods. Told them the story but they don't believe it. Staying on this forum until I get another chance in February.
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  • #6

Ban appeal

Yall ain't never going to respond ever bruh. Look, whatever it is that I did, please just get rid of it and let me back in. @Lmao already removed the comment. @0hMan, if it wasn't for posting low effort then what was it. I need to know man. This is the message @Lmao sent me.Quncho,You have a...

Brutal man, hope you get unbanned
Plus they tried to cover it up calling it a ban for low post effort which shouldn't even be a ban.
You get 2 for the price of 1. They're all the same anyway. Both serve lobbyists, multinationals, and other wealthy people who actually run the country, these are just puppets, don’t fall for it. Aside from some minor differences, nothing will change except that things will get worse.

You get 2 for the price of 1. They're all the same anyway. Both serve lobbyists, multinationals, and other wealthy people who actually run the country, these are just puppets, don’t fall for it. Aside from some minor differences, nothing will change except that things will get worse.

View attachment 40397
Agreed, both the candidates are slaves just like the rest of us
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