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Serious Why am I hated

Idiot. Those poems are satire and are meant like a story. Im not cringe, your just a r****d.
you gotta realize not everyone on the internet may perceive things the way you do, and that is completely fine, that is when you let the differences aside or just block them.
I don't care anymore. You can hate me if you want and keep typing up those cringy little emojies. It only makes you less then what you already are.
ay man this is probably the reason because you gotta get that last word in, when the reality is that last word is nothing but an ego.

you gotta let things go and not get personal.
really because all you seem to do is care. You have mental breakdowns everytime someone says something because ur paranoid they might be being mean to u on the internet. What even is this thread if u do not care?
Cringiest shit ive ever heard like this shit is a movie.
Crashouts, rage bait, troll threads, the same shit as neymar. But I wanted to build a different character, and be a better person tbh.
sometimes shit just doesn't workout like wanted

and you got to be yourself.