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Discussion Why are females on this forum?

To most people on .com, at least the active members, looksmaxxing is much less about getting laid, it’s more about becoming good looking to add general improvement to your life

Same for women on the forum, if they really wanted to get laid they could but they want to look better simply to start getting more pretty privilege
To most people on .com, at least the active members, looksmaxxing is much less about getting laid, it’s more about becoming good looking to add general improvement to your life

Same for women on the forum, if they really wanted to get laid they could but they want to look better simply to start getting more pretty privilege
I don't looksmax
I don't looksmax
I am here for fun,bragging, talking , knowledge and having friends(i have no friends irl 😔)

I also am the best rater here though even me can get confused sometimes
I also kind of contribute slightly to the community

Also my rep is so low cause
Telling the truth is crazy in a world full of lies
To most people on .com, at least the active members, looksmaxxing is much less about getting laid, it’s more about becoming good looking to add general improvement to your life

Same for women on the forum, if they really wanted to get laid they could but they want to look better simply to start getting more pretty privilege
female privilege is a million times more powerful than "pretty privilege" (just say halo effect already and stop using that tiktok language)
So who gives a fuck? Anyone and everyone can be insecure. In fact, 99% of people are insecure in my eyes.
female privilege is a million times more powerful than "pretty privilege" (just say halo effect already and stop using that tiktok language)
Pretty Privilege as a saying has been around longer than TikTok jfl
Pretty Privilege as a saying has been around longer than TikTok jfl
And it ain’t just about pretty privilege either, feeling good because you’re looking good is a powerful source of happiness
f**k having "friends" innit
Most “friends” are fake and mostly acquaintances. If you guys don’t actively hang out and talk with each other outside of school/job grounds, there is no friendship there.
To most people on .com, at least the active members, looksmaxxing is much less about getting laid, it’s more about becoming good looking to add general improvement to your life

Same for women on the forum, if they really wanted to get laid they could but they want to look better simply to start getting more pretty privilege
Most girls already receive privilege but thats fair

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