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Why do czech women and other slavs age like shit

I thought its because of shit genetics. Or not. Maybe poor diet as you said, other shit habits and environment
They have good genetics and better aging genetics when they live in natural environments
Which country has the best environment
Depends on your genetics and melanin, cuz that determines how much sun exposure you need
Since white people are often regarded to be more attractive, I guess Nordic countries would be the best environment for looks
White people would eat lots of seafoods for Vit D to handle the lack of exposure, creating their complexions today
Alcohol and tobacco abuse, alongside eating junk food for years

eastern europeean women are smoking hot and based tradwives (for chad), too bad their former work position was woodman castings employee of the month
My mum is slav and 40 and collagen mogs 99.999% of other 40 year old mums
Thats probably why i pull so many polish and slavic girls, they need my black DNA to fix their children