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Discussion Why do people say men should talk about their feelings more but every time he does he gets told that he has a victim mentality

Don’t make the mistake of venting to a woman as a man, it will inevitably affect how she views you. If you need to vent, do it alone or, at worst, to another man. It's best to find a hobby or outlet. When women say it’s not a problem, they often mean well, but they may not fully grasp how it can shift their perspective of you.
People just don't care about other people's feelings they only care about themselves. I haven't found anyone that actually cares about my feelings everyone just runs through them..
Don’t make the mistake of venting to a woman as a man, it will inevitably affect how she views you. If you need to vent, do it alone or, at worst, to another man. It's best to find a hobby or outlet. When women say it’s not a problem, they often mean well, but they may not fully grasp how it can shift their perspective of you.
She won't care if you are a chad
Because you express female kind of feelings. Also, victim mentality and blaming something for your problems is meh af

You won't be told that if your worries are more logical and serious. Just manly lol. When somebody tells you that he is worried about economic crisis seriously affecting his business - it's easy to emphasize with him. But when a grown man complains about getting rejected it's just LOL xD
Like he’s literally just venting about how he is insecure about his body
Because Western society/media subconsciously wants to destroy the relationship between men and women. Women don't want to hear about men's problems and men don't naturally want to talk about them. But if you say something over and over again people start to believe it.
She won't care if you are a chad
Cope. Looks will catch her attention, but it's your character and personality that keep her around. You can't expect to act immature or be weak and think it won't impact the relationship, no matter how attractive you are.
dont listen to women giving dating advice they are saying stuff that they lack from the chad relationships and think "oh he didnt talk about his feelings and I want to be in HR/Psychology/Social Worker, I love people's emotions (drama) so much..." it's good to understand emotions and stuff but you are the tree she can hold onto you, don't listen to women's advice blindly. You can only talk about the past if that makes you feel like youve changed and it was awesome that you came on top. I don't recommend it anyways though because guys are retarded and will just want to be victimized in front of them. Women will leave them after that, "oh i got the ick, he's so fragile and he talked about his wimpy days:pepehands:, he's such a beta cuck male"

Women say a lot of dumb shit, even guys' dating advice is pretty dog now. Trust me she WILL lose interest if you show yourself as a failure.
get ready to get made fun of if u wanna show ur true self to someone u did not grow up with
You're supposed to be open with your feelings but you're not supposed to have bad ones.

If you do, show it or hide it, you're a loser either way
fwiw I do get to be open with feelings on occasion without being judged. As long as
1) she's not too insecure
2) there's some good/bad balance
3) the negative stuff is mostly anger not sadness or fear
4) I inform rather than show

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