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Discussion Why do you think Asia is dying out?


Aug 21, 2024
Personally I think it has something to do with the fact Asian foids refuse to date Asian men, but I'm not sure. Thoughts?
Personally I think it has something to do with the fact Asian f***s refuse to date Asian men, but I'm not sure. Thoughts?
What are you talking about man? Most Asian women in Asia will not date foreigners period. Just because a white dude can go there and have a lot of sex and have an easier time getting laid don't mean anything. You're most likely gonna find yourself a high population city within a homogeneous society. That means you're gonna be exotic. It's just like if a black dude moves to mostly white redneck town. All the "weird" less conventional chicks with a black dude fetish will come out of the woodwork beating down his door. Doesn't mean that most of the girls in that town like black men and are willing to date them.

Go to an Asian country as a non tourist and see what I mean. For the first couple of years it's gonna seem like all the girls there are after you, but once you can speak the language and understand the culture a little better you'll find that's not the case at all. Most girls who don't speak English, and most of them don't, won't consider having a non local man as a boyfriend. The girls in those countries who do speak English speak it for a reason. A lot of them are anglophiles or simply dreamed of living abroad since they were young. A lot of them studied abroad and rode the carrousel during those years.

Itself extremely difficult to go to Asia as a white man and find a normal girl to date. Asian women are WAY better at hiding their idiosyncrasies and red flags than Western girls. There's a lot of Western chumps living in Asia dating goofy ass girls that are no good, but don't have a clue what kind of girl their girlfriend really is.
Personally I think it has something to do with the fact Asian f***s refuse to date Asian men, but I'm not sure. Thoughts?
high cost of living... no one has the time or money to be having babies in Asia, stressful work culture adds to that. specifically talking about east Asia here
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  • #5
high cost of living... no one has the time or money to be having babies in Asia, stressful work culture adds to that. specifically talking about east Asia here
Europe also has high cost of living so why the hell is Europe fine while Asia is going extinct?
Europe also has high cost of living so why the hell is Europe fine while Asia is going extinct?
who told you this? birthrates in europe just not as quickly. There's so many economic and social factors that attribute to this, just use google buddy.
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  • #7
who told you this? birthrates in europe just not as quickly. There's so many economic and social factors that attribute to this, just use google buddy.
Again, fertility in Europe is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY higher than in Asia despite also having high cost of living.
Again, fertility in Europe is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY higher than in Asia despite also having high cost of living.
okay lets have it your way. Let's assume your original assumption is true and the cause is simply "to do with the fact Asian f***s refuse to date Asian men". If so why do you think the the attitude towards men in asia is so negative even though Asia is much more conservative in nature then the west?
japan has lowest t in the world, and somewhere on that list korea is low too

china has a cap on how many kids you are legally allowed to have, and also women have less rights. so they aborted female babies and have only male. abortion is legal everywhere in china and at all stages of pregnancy even late term. also standards increase due to limited child amount. so there is lower births and lots of males. obviously there will be men who will struggle in china.

also i notice lots of immigration

as for south asia, probably they were exposed to white chads on social media and hollywood, and in general due to unhealthy living condition and low nutrition in certain places people are unattractive.

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