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Why doctors will never approve mewing

Dr. Vozcuk [Unblocked]

United Ph.D doctors
Aug 20, 2019
We know that doctors, surgeons, orthos, and others are very acknowledgable people, they know answer for pretty much everything, but why don't they practice preventive threatment instead of medics and quick sollutions

Reason why, is people who own medical industry just don't want to tell you about prevention, hell no. If everyone mewed from age 0 (Like as threy are naturally supposed to)
there won't be any crooked teeths, narrow airways, sleep apnea, and every side effect that occurs when you don't mew. But because they don't tell you to mew, they earn enormous amounts of money, like 10K for MSE!? I mean it's not doctor's fault, they will just lose their job if they did tell you about mewing and such, but then 6+ years of college is pointless

Anything that is against government interest is denied, mewing is not the only example, you have cure for diseases but society is hiding that from you.
We know that doctors, surgeons, orthos, and others are very acknowledgable people, they know answer for pretty much everything, but why don't they practice preventive threatment instead of medics and quick sollutions

Reason why, is people who own medical industry just don't want to tell you about prevention, hell no. If everyone mewed from age 0 (Like as threy are naturally supposed to)
View attachment 9759
there won't be any crooked teeths, narrow airways, sleep apnea, and every side effect that occurs when you don't mew. But because they don't tell you to mew, they earn enormous amounts of money, like 10K for MSE!? I mean it's not doctor's fault, they will just lose their job if they did tell you about mewing and such, but then 6+ years of college is pointless

Anything that is against government interest is denied, mewing is not the only example, you have cure for diseases but society is hiding that from you.
very true
Past is the past, can't change it, I'm Truecel now forever.
he has good facial structure and lower third... hes just balding
Yeah, and cuck eyes with a laughable frame and height. He mogs me through, so yeah.
We know that doctors, surgeons, orthos, and others are very acknowledgable people, they know answer for pretty much everything, but why don't they practice preventive threatment instead of medics and quick sollutions

Reason why, is people who own medical industry just don't want to tell you about prevention, hell no. If everyone mewed from age 0 (Like as threy are naturally supposed to)
View attachment 9759
there won't be any crooked teeths, narrow airways, sleep apnea, and every side effect that occurs when you don't mew. But because they don't tell you to mew, they earn enormous amounts of money, like 10K for MSE!? I mean it's not doctor's fault, they will just lose their job if they did tell you about mewing and such, but then 6+ years of college is pointless

Anything that is against government interest is denied, mewing is not the only example, you have cure for diseases but society is hiding that from you.
It does work, but only till 14 yo imo. Mew has said this himself. But this doesn't mean that you should stop mewing, keep mewing for better breathing and a better submental region.
most likely it will never be approved because there isn't enough evidence it works, and by evidence i dont mean a handful of random people online saying they did mewing and got results but proper studies and experiments on multiple people with constant results from all of the people who are being studied and experimented on.
No its just not mainstream. Mention mewing to professionals a nd youll get laughed at
We know that doctors, surgeons, orthos, and others are very acknowledgable people, they know answer for pretty much everything, but why don't they practice preventive threatment instead of medics and quick sollutions

Reason why, is people who own medical industry just don't want to tell you about prevention, hell no. If everyone mewed from age 0 (Like as threy are naturally supposed to)
View attachment 9759
there won't be any crooked teeths, narrow airways, sleep apnea, and every side effect that occurs when you don't mew. But because they don't tell you to mew, they earn enormous amounts of money, like 10K for MSE!? I mean it's not doctor's fault, they will just lose their job if they did tell you about mewing and such, but then 6+ years of college is pointless

Anything that is against government interest is denied, mewing is not the only example, you have cure for diseases but society is hiding that from you.
And the other thing is that nothing is stopping someone from fundIng awareness into mewing, funding scientific research, lobuont to government. The problem is who has the interest for it? No one is going to fund this because it’s (mostly) not a life threatening issue and hardly anyone wants to believe it’s related to attractiveness OR that attractiveness even matters!

The truth is we’re just going to have to accept we were done in by our parents (I was breastfed for 1 month, constantly had a dummy in my mouth and was fed soft bullshit my whole life- thanks to my Retarded mother) Pass the knowledge onto your blood, your family so they don’t have to experience life as recessed “human”
I got 3 months and you mog me forward-growth-wise.
I hardly have any forward growth I have the mouth breather look. I am only 2 steps above crouzon patient and 0.5 step above truecel. My disgusting bone development is a testament to environmental factors of facial attractiveness.

most likely if I do mog you it will be because of my strong zygomatic arch giving good FWHR and semi decent eye area
it will be because of my strong zygomatic arch
Fucking hell... If only I had that going for me facially, I'd look at the very least more aesthetically pleasing.
Fucking hell... If only I had that going for me facially, I'd look at the very least more aesthetically pleasing.
not sure what my zygos will look like ripped so this summer I’m following through and leanmaxxing. Don’t think I’ll be above a 5/5.5 even hair and leanmaxxex and that’s depressing as hell
It does work, but only till 14 yo imo. Mew has said this himself. But this doesn't mean that you should stop mewing, keep mewing for better breathing and a better submental region.

It will still help with small tissue muscles in the face
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