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Experience Why does no one bully here

6"4 Tyrone (Maybe)

Active member
Apr 27, 2024
On .org everyone bullies greycels or people with sub June 2023 join date.
Is the community here less toxic.?
Or Is .org just older?
On .org everyone bullies greycels or people with sub June 2023 join date.
Is the community here less toxic.?
Or Is .org just older?
No one doing better than you will bully you. The key to ascend greater than you are is to be around people doing better than you. The longer your on .org and the longer you let that be your normal. You will stay the same and likely be comfortable staying in the bucket full of crabs. Try to leave and they might just shut you down. Think about it. It's a direct result of the mindset they have. Bully = keep people In line and under a notion to not truly leave ( it's why rotting is so common) also your cortisol is kept high and your mindset is rotted from the blackpill.

Acceptance and having people push you = you will one day leave these communities to ascend and have a better life.
On .org everyone bullies greycels or people with sub June 2023 join date.
Is the community here less toxic.?
Or Is .org just older?
What's the point of cultivating a toxic community

I don't find the bullying / toxicity even remotely funny tbh
On .org everyone bullies greycels or people with sub June 2023 join date.
Is the community here less toxic.?
Or Is .org just older?
Suck my balls u f*****g dickwad ur mother is a gypsy whore who was r***d by gorillas and wild boars and u r a manlet cuck for not raping her befor those animals i hope ur 304 sister gets hiv and ur microdick gets fungal infection and u are retarded and plz kill urself

Posts like these don't actually feel good while typing or reading thats why noone bullies

and its not worth and its not based its a low iq trait to bully innocent people

also peope here are good people on org most people are aholes
The only thing funny about bullying on org is when it’s between two equally annoying people fighting. Then there’s a big evisceration thread from either side and it’s over
I argued with someone today because he said Korean people are brown and the same skin tone as Indians

I then proceded to show him pictures and he said that they were either using a makeup or were brown and my perception of skin tone was flawed.

He then proceeded to go on my ass and called me a copper. All the while he was trying to prove how Indians were better looking than Asian people and that Asian girls prefer Indian men.

I told him I live in Asia and that simply isn't the case.

He called me a copper and told me Indian men were gonna steal all the Korean and Chinese girls from me

I finally told him I was Indian.

He went back to calling all Asians brown, including Koreans and Japanese people.
I argued with someone today because he said Korean people are brown and the same skin tone as Indians

I then proceded to show him pictures and he said that they were either using a makeup or were brown and my perception of skin tone was flawed.

He then proceeded to go on my ass and called me a copper. All the while he was trying to prove how Indians were better looking than Asian people and that Asian girls prefer Indian men.

I told him I live in Asia and that simply isn't the case.

He called me a copper and told me Indian men were gonna steal all the Korean and Chinese girls from me

I finally told him I was Indian.

He went back to calling all Asians brown, including Koreans and Japanese people.
Who was it
I dont see the point of encouraging actual toxicity here
Bullying is different than being realistic tho, people here confuse the two a lot
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