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Why I deleted my .org account (and you should too)


My pms are always open :)
Jun 11, 2024
The Paragon
Hopefully this isnt completely incoherent, im just writing this quickly to get my point across
1) Toxicity:
.org is filled with absolute losers whose only joy stems from making fun of others since they dont have much going for them. Their userbase honestly seems quite entitled, and compared to this website, that place is a dumpster fire

2) Data privacy:
.org users are 1000% on a watchlist
After Elliot Rodgers and puahate being shut down, it would be foolish to think a website with such a large userbase wouldnt be watched over.
Also I just dont trust most of the mods there
If Dean came to my house, I'd prolly invite him to play ps4 with me
If Master came to my house I would start screaming and prolly jump out of my window to escape him

Also, the inability to delete threads is also concerning
@Dean ive never been given a legitimate reason for why this is. If you could offer some insight that would be greatly appreciated.

To add to that, you have to watch out for other users. There are a shit ton of users who have been doxxed and had their looksmax threads sent to their friend, family, university etc. which essentially ruined their social status.

3) Waste of time:
Lets be honest, 99% of threads that you read are absolute garbage, and a complete waste of time. You will never ascend by simply reading a thread, you need to actually take action. I feel like I have enough knowledge to comfortably leave .org
Hopefully this isnt completely incoherent, im just writing this quickly to get my point across
1) Toxicity:
.org is filled with absolute losers whose only joy stems from making fun of others since they dont have much going for them. Their userbase honestly seems quite entitled, and compared to this website, that place is a dumpster fire

2) Data privacy:
.org users are 1000% on a watchlist
After Elliot Rodgers and puahate being shut down, it would be foolish to think a website with such a large userbase wouldnt be watched over.
Also I just dont trust most of the mods there
If Dean came to my house, I'd prolly invite him to play ps4 with me
If Master came to my house I would start screaming and prolly jump out of my window to escape him

Also, the inability to delete threads is also concerning
@Dean ive never been given a legitimate reason for why this is. If you could offer some insight that would be greatly appreciated.

To add to that, you have to watch out for other users. There are a shit ton of users who have been doxxed and had their looksmax threads sent to their friend, family, university etc. which essentially ruined their social status.

3) Waste of time:
Lets be honest, 99% of threads that you read are absolute garbage, and a complete waste of time. You will never ascend by simply reading a thread, you need to actually take action. I feel like I have enough knowledge to comfortably leave .org
Brutal Deanpill
Hopefully this isnt completely incoherent, im just writing this quickly to get my point across
1) Toxicity:
.org is filled with absolute losers whose only joy stems from making fun of others since they dont have much going for them. Their userbase honestly seems quite entitled, and compared to this website, that place is a dumpster fire

2) Data privacy:
.org users are 1000% on a watchlist
After Elliot Rodgers and puahate being shut down, it would be foolish to think a website with such a large userbase wouldnt be watched over.
Also I just dont trust most of the mods there
If Dean came to my house, I'd prolly invite him to play ps4 with me
If Master came to my house I would start screaming and prolly jump out of my window to escape him

Also, the inability to delete threads is also concerning
@Dean ive never been given a legitimate reason for why this is. If you could offer some insight that would be greatly appreciated.

To add to that, you have to watch out for other users. There are a shit ton of users who have been doxxed and had their looksmax threads sent to their friend, family, university etc. which essentially ruined their social status.

3) Waste of time:
Lets be honest, 99% of threads that you read are absolute garbage, and a complete waste of time. You will never ascend by simply reading a thread, you need to actually take action. I feel like I have enough knowledge to comfortably leave .org
You're account is still up.
Lets be honest, 99% of threads that you read are absolute garbage, and a complete waste of time.
here there are a lot of rating threads then people who dip right after, and some dumb off topic people like badg69 and chardonelite
Also, the inability to delete threads is also concerning
@Dean ive never been given a legitimate reason for why this is. If you could offer some insight that would be greatly appreciated.
ya i think ppl should be able to.
but at the moment you can @ me in the thread or report your own thread, i will deal with it
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  • #10
here there are a lot of rating threads then people who dip right after, and some dumb off topic people like badg69 and chardonelite

ya i think ppl should be able to.
but at the moment you can @ me in the thread or report your own thread, i will deal with it
Thats great thanks 🙏
Thats another good aspect of this forum, the sense of community. .org is too big for there to be any sense of comradery amongst users
here there are a lot of rating threads then people who dip right after, and some dumb off topic people like badg69 and chardonelite

ya i think ppl should be able to.
but at the moment you can @ me in the thread or report your own thread, i will deal with it
I think unless someone is in a severe situation like @S1d567 at risk of harming irl stuff they shouldn’t be able to delete
I think unless someone is in a severe situation like @S1d567 at risk of harming irl stuff they shouldn’t be able to delete
but what about people pursuing carreer or higher education where they do background checks? and what about other personal reasons
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  • #13
but what about people pursuing carreer or higher education where they do background checks? and what about other personal reasons
That was also my main concern
Imagine trying to explain your way out of that lol
Especially considering i was kinda stupid when i first created my .org account and said alot of stupid things
but what about people pursuing carreer or higher education where they do background checks? and what about other personal reasons
Like I said at risk harming irl stuff. If they think it will effect shit irl they should be allowed to delete but they should explain why
That was also my main concern
Imagine trying to explain your way out of that lol
Especially considering i was kinda stupid when i first created my .org account and said alot of stupid things
Makes sense. The problem is that this shit only happens in USA and Canada pretty much, in other countries they don’t give a shit
Like I said at risk harming irl stuff. If they think it will effect shit irl they should be allowed to delete but they should explain why
i think only explanations are needed if its a useful thread. if its a rating or off topic or jfl nobody should care if the person requests deletion
Hopefully this isnt completely incoherent, im just writing this quickly to get my point across
1) Toxicity:
.org is filled with absolute losers whose only joy stems from making fun of others since they dont have much going for them. Their userbase honestly seems quite entitled, and compared to this website, that place is a dumpster fire

2) Data privacy:
.org users are 1000% on a watchlist
After Elliot Rodgers and puahate being shut down, it would be foolish to think a website with such a large userbase wouldnt be watched over.
Also I just dont trust most of the mods there
If Dean came to my house, I'd prolly invite him to play ps4 with me
If Master came to my house I would start screaming and prolly jump out of my window to escape him

Also, the inability to delete threads is also concerning
@Dean ive never been given a legitimate reason for why this is. If you could offer some insight that would be greatly appreciated.

To add to that, you have to watch out for other users. There are a shit ton of users who have been doxxed and had their looksmax threads sent to their friend, family, university etc. which essentially ruined their social status.

3) Waste of time:
Lets be honest, 99% of threads that you read are absolute garbage, and a complete waste of time. You will never ascend by simply reading a thread, you need to actually take action. I feel like I have enough knowledge to comfortably leave .org
I'm going to update the rules around that.

I've always deleted peoples threads if requested, it just becomes a big chore if there are many threads / posts to delete (people message me most days about this).

Even though this forum is meant to be a place of belonging, positivity and improvement, I understand that looksmaxxing as a concept is seen as a bad thing in the public eye, so I get that people want to be able to be able to remove content if needed.

I'll figure something out and make an announcement.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #19
I'm going to update the rules around that.

I've always deleted peoples threads if requested, it just becomes a big chore if there are many threads / posts to delete (people message me most days about this).

Even though this forum is meant to be a place of belonging, positivity and improvement, I understand that looksmaxxing as a concept is seen as a bad thing in the public eye, so I get that people want to be able to be able to remove content if needed.

I'll figure something out and make an announcement.
glad to hear man
goated admin 🙏🙏

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