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Why was I born


ugly failure
Feb 18, 2024
Why did God create me as short, ugly and with a little dick? What purpose do I have with those traits?

That would be like me making a bunch of paintings for a gallery but one painting is ripped up and torn up but I still submit it to the gallery. Obviously it’s gonna be denied so why do it
Why did God create me as short, ugly and with a little dick? What purpose do I have with those traits?

That would be like me making a bunch of paintings for a gallery but one painting is ripped up and torn up but I still submit it to the gallery. Obviously it’s gonna be denied so why do it
What do you look like
Why did God create me as short, ugly and with a little dick? What purpose do I have with those traits?

That would be like me making a bunch of paintings for a gallery but one painting is ripped up and torn up but I still submit it to the gallery. Obviously it’s gonna be denied so why do it
Your crying to much
Why did God create me as short, ugly and with a little dick? What purpose do I have with those traits?

That would be like me making a bunch of paintings for a gallery but one painting is ripped up and torn up but I still submit it to the gallery. Obviously it’s gonna be denied so why do it
JUst be confident fr fr

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