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Experience Wish me luck

In a room numbing for microneedling to help with scars. Wish me luck. Also gonna get a plasma under eye injection
the plasma is the most dangerous thing in that, but the micro needling is allright. There are also biolasers out there. But nothing beats le fort 4 and implants
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  • #8
the plasma is the most dangerous thing in that, but the micro needling is allright. There are also biolasers out there. But nothing beats le fort 4 and implants
What's so dangerous about the plasma? Thankfully I had a very trained aesthetician. These procedures were just for my specific needs like acne scars and eyebags
What's so dangerous about the plasma? Thankfully I had a very trained aesthetician. These procedures were just for my specific needs like acne scars and eyebags
the eye area is much more complex with many veins leading to the EYES, face muscles..., fucking one up could make you blind or paralized.
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  • #10
the eye area is much more complex with many veins leading to the EYES, face muscles..., f*****g one up could make you blind or paralized.
Thankfully I'm ok. But yes you are right, it's one of the more dangerous spots to work on but you are exaggerating it. Hundreds of thousands of people in America get under eye filler each year (which is not what I got) and are fine. Those few cases where some have gone blind are getting there treatment from underqualified people in other countries. I just looked it up and the odds of going blind from filler are 1 in 500,000. Just a little more than the odds of getting struck by lightning.

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