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JFL Woman: "I like skinny men"

tbh hes almost too muscular
All about face as long as you don’t have man titties
Watch sv3rige
This kind of body shows loser slave mindset and future heart attack/shit aging
Now I am interested to know whose alt you are.

1st account here?
Watch sv3rige
This kind of body shows loser slave mindset and future heart attack/shit aging
Eat raw meat and live in nature bro!

Meanwhile: jacked chad slays stacy

While your eating raw meat chad is slaying

Not hitting the gym is a looksmin
Eat raw meat and live in nature bro!

Meanwhile: jacked chad slays stacy

While your eating raw meat chad is slaying
Body is cope
Incel is gymcelling while chad slays eating pizza
Go back to tate if you think that shit matters to anyone except mentally ill femcels
Body is cope
Incel is gymcelling while chad slays eating pizza
Go back to tate if you think that shit matters to anyone except mentally ill femcels
Chad with twink phisque is getting outslayed by a chad with a jacked phisque
Body is cope
Incel is gymcelling while chad slays eating pizza
Go back to tate if you think that shit matters to anyone except mentally ill femcels
Also tate is sub5 with horrible bb genetics and is gay
Chad with twink phisque is getting outslayed by a chad with a jacked phisque
Those bodies look gross to non roasties
Every study says that women prefer skinny lean guys
Body building was literally created to appeal to gay men
Those bodies look gross to non roasties
Every study says that women prefer skinny lean guys
Body building was literally created to appeal to gay men
I'm not talking about gymcel bodybuilder I mean aesthetic phisque v taper
Eat raw meat and live in nature bro!

Meanwhile: jacked chad slays stacy

While your eating raw meat chad is slaying

Not hitting the gym is a looksmin
Roidcels aren’t hittin shit
Obviously genetics make up a fuck ton of a difference, being jacked is a looksmin
Body is cope
Incel is gymcelling while chad slays eating pizza
Go back to tate if you think that shit matters to anyone except mentally ill femcels
Even the “femcels” don’t care about body jfl
