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Women preferences change all the time


Nov 19, 2024
Women are bombarded with top-tier actors, singers and models these days but is it really all just about genetics or is it more about which dude is shoved down their throat by the entertainment industry?

Take Elvis Presley from roughly 60 years ago for example. The dude was a mid to high tier normie AT BEST by contemporary standards and yet most women went crazy over him and guys that looked like him. He wasn't a mega chad or anything, definitely not a genetic chadlite either. Or those bulky bodybuilders of the golden era, nobody knew what they were about and their gear use, so girls were attracted to this new type of men. The modern day prettyboy type is quite new as well. Who knows what they'll like in 20 years.
Women are bombarded with top-tier actors, singers and models these days but is it really all just about genetics or is it more about which dude is shoved down their throat by the entertainment industry?

Take Elvis Presley from roughly 60 years ago for example. The dude was a mid to high tier normie AT BEST by contemporary standards and yet most women went crazy over him and guys that looked like him. He wasn't a mega chad or anything, definitely not a genetic chadlite either. Or those bulky bodybuilders of the golden era, nobody knew what they were about and their gear use, so girls were attracted to this new type of men. The modern day prettyboy type is quite new as well. Who knows what they'll like in 20 years.
So close to discover that famemaxxing is attractive to women
Just be attractive
Past a certain threshold you will do well regardless of muh archetype
Women are bombarded with top-tier actors, singers and models these days but is it really all just about genetics or is it more about which dude is shoved down their throat by the entertainment industry?

Take Elvis Presley from roughly 60 years ago for example. The dude was a mid to high tier normie AT BEST by contemporary standards and yet most women went crazy over him and guys that looked like him. He wasn't a mega chad or anything, definitely not a genetic chadlite either. Or those bulky bodybuilders of the golden era, nobody knew what they were about and their gear use, so girls were attracted to this new type of men. The modern day prettyboy type is quite new as well. Who knows what they'll like in 20 years.
trends in what people like includes human beings