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Info Women Self Sense Of Social Sexual Value


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024

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1. Everything is about her social hierarchy in relation to other women and power over men.

They are happy when they receive compliments, when they make other women jealous of them, when they believe they are desired by men, and when they are able to ´´steal`` a mens of high social reputation by dating him.

They feel sad when: they are ignored; or believe they are undesirable; or are among other women who are seen as socially superior in the social sexual hierarchy.

Women interpret a man's most social and civilized gestures to her as proof of romantic or sexual interest in her.

Their sense of value is determined by society with a focus to the sisterhood (just like money):
Women are incapable of feeling happy in themselves, they need to provoke society (validation).

Why they show so much:
They perform exhibitionist acts because only through these acts can a social reaction be made that functions as indicative of their social sexual value, producing pleasure when they interpret that the reaction provoked indicated that their sexual value is high enough. Unlike the sexual pathology of male exhibitionism, exhibitionist women tend to use tactics that are less blatantly obvious and more on the edge of subjectivity, such as low-cut clothing with the nipples almost showing, or shorts showing half of the butt or beachwear showing part of the pussy. And that is a pathology for psychology.

The most important orgasm for a woman is social recognition acquired by:
a. dating a men of high social value.
b. being mentally perceived and desired by men (even if its envy or anger).
c. being greater then other women.



Note: in nightclub culture, there is only social game of ego. For example, she may choose be seen by her friends as getting out of the club with a guy os high social value just to show to their friends that she got him even if she wont date or fuck him, and that can easily happen to you if you also focus only on her and not get any attention to her friends thus increasing her joy on making her friends envy. Second, in a group of women, make your more attractive friend kiss one of them and the other women will become more envy for being left over with nothing thus being more open to kiss you if you want that. Be aware that women also play those games, but instead of having as a objective kissing a men, her objective is to produce envy on other women or humiliate men.

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1. Everything is about her social hierarchy in relation to other women and power over men.

They are happy when they receive compliments, when they make other women jealous of them, when they believe they are desired by men, and when they are able to ´´steal`` a mens of high social reputation by dating him.

They feel sad when: they are ignored; or believe they are undesirable; or are among other women who are seen as socially superior in the social sexual hierarchy.

Women interpret a man's most social and civilized gestures to her as proof of romantic or sexual interest in her.

Their sense of value is determined by society with a focus to the sisterhood (just like money):
Women are incapable of feeling happy in themselves, they need to provoke society (validation).

Why they show so much:
They perform exhibitionist acts because only through these acts can a social reaction be made that functions as indicative of their social sexual value, producing pleasure when they interpret that the reaction provoked indicated that their sexual value is high enough. Unlike the sexual pathology of male exhibitionism, exhibitionist women tend to use tactics that are less blatantly obvious and more on the edge of subjectivity, such as low-cut clothing with the nipples almost showing, or shorts showing half of the butt or beachwear showing part of the pussy. And that is a pathology for psychology.

The most important orgasm for a woman is social recognition acquired by:
a. dating a men of high social value.
b. being mentally perceived and desired by men (even if its envy or anger).
c. being greater then other women.



Note: in nightclub culture, there is only social game of ego. For example, she may choose be seen by her friends as getting out of the club with a guy os high social value just to show to their friends that she got him even if she wont date or f**k him, and that can easily happen to you if you also focus only on her and not get any attention to her friends thus increasing her joy on making her friends envy. Second, in a group of women, make your more attractive friend kiss one of them and the other women will become more envy for being left over with nothing thus being more open to kiss you if you want that. Be aware that women also play those games, but instead of having as a objective kissing a men, her objective is to produce envy on other women or humiliate men.

also men are also pretty similar in some categories
Number 6 makes me wanna jump out a 5 story window

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1. Everything is about her social hierarchy in relation to other women and power over men.

They are happy when they receive compliments, when they make other women jealous of them, when they believe they are desired by men, and when they are able to ´´steal`` a mens of high social reputation by dating him.

They feel sad when: they are ignored; or believe they are undesirable; or are among other women who are seen as socially superior in the social sexual hierarchy.

Women interpret a man's most social and civilized gestures to her as proof of romantic or sexual interest in her.

Their sense of value is determined by society with a focus to the sisterhood (just like money):
Women are incapable of feeling happy in themselves, they need to provoke society (validation).

Why they show so much:
They perform exhibitionist acts because only through these acts can a social reaction be made that functions as indicative of their social sexual value, producing pleasure when they interpret that the reaction provoked indicated that their sexual value is high enough. Unlike the sexual pathology of male exhibitionism, exhibitionist women tend to use tactics that are less blatantly obvious and more on the edge of subjectivity, such as low-cut clothing with the nipples almost showing, or shorts showing half of the butt or beachwear showing part of the pussy. And that is a pathology for psychology.

The most important orgasm for a woman is social recognition acquired by:
a. dating a men of high social value.
b. being mentally perceived and desired by men (even if its envy or anger).
c. being greater then other women.



Note: in nightclub culture, there is only social game of ego. For example, she may choose be seen by her friends as getting out of the club with a guy os high social value just to show to their friends that she got him even if she wont date or f**k him, and that can easily happen to you if you also focus only on her and not get any attention to her friends thus increasing her joy on making her friends envy. Second, in a group of women, make your more attractive friend kiss one of them and the other women will become more envy for being left over with nothing thus being more open to kiss you if you want that. Be aware that women also play those games, but instead of having as a objective kissing a men, her objective is to produce envy on other women or humiliate men.
I ignore this girl at work hardcore. A hot little thing that was giving me eyes from day one, and started trying to wedge her way into conversations I had with other girls. It's been about two years now and it really gets on her tits.

At first she thought it was because I liked her and was trying to employ some sort of strategy. Started having her boyfriend come around the workplace during her breaks and whatnot to see if it would jar me. When that didn't work she started getting very angry and shouting randomly about different things whenever I'm in the vicinity. Girls cannot deal with being ignored. Especially by guys that are fancied by a lot of other girls.

The only reason I ignore this girl is because I do not flirt, that's never been my thing, and this girl obviously is a flirty type. And also because she's got a strong personality. If her and I were to start being friendly with each other it would only be a matter of time before we fought over something. I turn into a bit of a psycho when in conflict, and that's something I gotta avoid here in the US. Can't get away with my usual intimidation tactics in this country so I gotta play it cool and just avoid interacting with certain people while I'm here.
That's why the ugly fat ones cockblock you. They can't get Chad so they sabotage their female friend's chances

As a former bartender, here's my pro-tip : talk to all in the women's group, not just once, and expect nothing in return. Just talk to them, make them laugh and having a good time. A lot of women's groups are stick on their phones all night, so make them forgot that boring night.
For some reasons, when they go out they're all defensive because they're harassed to fuck them, the men, but now they're interested in you because you're the only one who talked to them without the inttention to fuck them right on the floor. You considered them as humans with emotions once and not as sexual objects, and it turned them on.

(Outside of big cities, the girl who leaves with a Chad she doesn't even know is pretty rare, and the women who do that ? You don't want to know them personally. They aren't women you can rely on)

It makes me remember when i went out with my friends and i end up in a women's group suggesting drinks because i was a former bartender, and telling funny anecdotes about jobs, women etc. Litterally holding hands & dancing with a girl and sipping in her drink. Later when i joined my friends group, she comes back asking if i've had a instagram, or a phone number. But i told her i wasn't interested.
I still don't know her name to this day
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  • #10
mostly water

i disagree
Value is determinated in relation to a culture in a social hierarchy.
Middle class nowadays dont fell rich but their life style would be considered of a king in stones age, and the king would be happy with it while meddle class of nowadays aren't. Part of that is due to the evolution os desire. Our brains think in terms of language and comparison that are given to us by the culture presented, hence why our desires are stuck to our social percepetion that reflects our own believes and ideas.
Value is determinated in relation to a culture in a social hierarchy.
you dont need to be happy due to your position in social hierarchy
Middle class nowadays dont fell rich but their life style would be considered of a king in stones age, and the king would be happy with it while meddle class of nowadays aren't. Part of that is due to the evolution os desire. Our brains think in terms of language and comparison that are given to us by the culture presented, hence why our desires are stuck to our social percepetion that reflects our own believes and ideas.
ok but women can be happy without dominating men
i dont know why you are talking about middle class
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  • #12
you dont need to be happy due to your position in social hierarchy

ok but women can be happy without dominating men
i dont know why you are talking about middle class
Watch the video to understand the theory and you will get it
Watch the video to understand the theory and you will get it
interesting theory
doesnt mean its 100% true
also i dont understand the part where they kill a guy cuz they cant get a shoe, and then they are satisfied
its true that society makes us want to behave a certain way by conditioning and propaganda
this doesnt mean everyone
people can have independent desires
what you described are shallow ones like shoes
i want to become an astronomer not because anyone told me to or forced me or what not. my parents dont make me, society never made me. i love space. has nothing to do with society spreading propaganda to me
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  • #14
interesting theory
doesnt mean its 100% true
also i dont understand the part where they kill a guy cuz they cant get a shoe, and then they are satisfied
its true that society makes us want to behave a certain way by conditioning and propaganda
this doesnt mean everyone
people can have independent desires
what you described are shallow ones like shoes
i want to become an astronomer not because anyone told me to or forced me or what not. my parents dont make me, society never made me. i love space. has nothing to do with society spreading propaganda to me
The point of the thread were about women self sense of social sexual value and the mechanism of pleasure and suffering in that is contextualized by the society that stablish the value. Thats why the memetic theory is applied in this case and in the case of self sense of materialistic richness. Because they live in a society, this mechanism in applied over them, thus subjecting their sense of value and pleasure to it. Without society, there is no pleasure to gain from society. Got it?
The point of the thread were about women self sense of social sexual value and the mechanism of pleasure and suffering in that is contextualized by the society that stablish the value. Thats why the memetic theory is applied in this case and in the case of self sense of materialistic richness. Because they live in a society, this mechanism in applied over them, thus subjecting their sense of value and pleasure to it. Without society, there is no pleasure to gain from society. Got it?
ok i understand the first part
but in the second part i am saying they can be happy without the societal mechanisms
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  • #16
ok i understand the first part
but in the second part i am saying they can be happy without the societal mechanisms
You mean happy in subjects outside of the ones related to the thread of social value? Yes of course. But not in relation to social value.

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