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Discussion Working out or sleep?


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2023
Especially when ur tryna get leaner which do u guys think is more important? I usually dont have time to workout in the day cuz of school n work which ends up in me having to pick between working out or getting 2-3 hours less of sleep
which is better
Exercise will put stress on your body, but you will lose weight. I think it’s not an “or” question, both are fucking important
Especially when ur tryna get leaner which do u guys think is more important? I usually dont have time to workout in the day cuz of school n work which ends up in me having to pick between working out or getting 2-3 hours less of sleep
which is better
How tf are you busy for 20 hours even elon musk got time to reply to shit posts in twitter
Giving 30 minutes to your workout will be enough
both are just as important, you can’t really stimulate muscle growth without tearing the muscle fibers through working out, then getting lean requires losing body fat. sleeping helps majorly with losing body fat, especially since when you’re not well-rested you tend to be hungrier and eat more throughout the day. i guess if i really had to choose i would say sleep, but just know you have to be pretty perfect on your diet (high HIGH protein diet, to maintain any muscle you’ve built).
bro 30 minutes is NOT enough
It is, lets take a workout for example
for the sake of time 4-5 exercises
each rest period is about 1 minute (you want to put more stress on your body to compensate for the lack of time)
Each set lets say 6-10 reps (each set should take about a minute)
4 sets of each exercise
8 minutes x 4 is 32 minutes and 8 minutes x 5 is 40 minutes
The amount of time in the gym isn't important, Ronnie Coleman went around 30 minutes - 1 hour but he still turned out massive. Mike Mentzer went around about 3 times a week and Tom Platz had a leg day once every month
The length of a workout is heavily inflated by social media
Quality over Quantity my friend
Especially when ur tryna get leaner which do u guys think is more important? I usually dont have time to workout in the day cuz of school n work which ends up in me having to pick between working out or getting 2-3 hours less of sleep
which is better
I only sleep roughly 4 hours three days a week. 7 or 8 hours on the other days. Depends on what "2-3 house less of sleep" amounts to.

If you're not an infant or 80 years old you don't need at least 8 hours of sleep every night. That's just a croc of shit.
I only sleep roughly 4 hours three days a week. 7 or 8 hours on the other days. Depends on what "2-3 house less of sleep" amounts to.

If you're not an infant or 80 years old you don't need at least 8 hours of sleep every night. That's just a croc of shit.
how tall are you? it does serioulsy impact growth hormones
That's just what they tell you. If you got good genes none of that junk matters.
yuh, that aint true, for some time in my peak puberty i stopped growing due to that exactly and never reached my fathers/mothers family height levels im 6'3 my father is 6'6
also its not only height but could cause facial changes/lack of facial development too
yuh, that aint true, for some time in my peak puberty i stopped growing due to that exactly and never reached my fathers/mothers family height levels im 6'3 my father is 6'6
Just cause your parents are tall doesn't mean they have good genes. They just got tall genes.

For example, the longest lived person in recorded history smoked a pack of cigarettes a day starting at 18 and quit smoking at 80. She died at 122. She had good genes.

Scientists are finding that if you have good genes it doesn't really matter what kind of lifestyle you live or habits you have. It won't effect you.
Just cause your parents are tall doesn't mean they have good genes. They just got tall genes.

For example, the longest lived person in recorded history smoked a pack of cigarettes a day starting at 18 and quit smoking at 80. She died at 122. She had good genes.

Scientists are finding that if you have good genes it doesn't really matter what kind of lifestyle you live or habits you have. It won't effect you.
that is true, however that doesn't explain the pause in my growth and the restarting of the said growth once my behaviour has changed, the growthplates are only open for a limited amount of time
Just cause your parents are tall doesn't mean they have good genes. They just got tall genes.

For example, the longest lived person in recorded history smoked a pack of cigarettes a day starting at 18 and quit smoking at 80. She died at 122. She had good genes.

Scientists are finding that if you have good genes it doesn't really matter what kind of lifestyle you live or habits you have. It won't effect you.
that research does sound interesting though... can you send it pm?
that is true, however that doesn't explain the pause in my growth and the restarting of the said growth once my behaviour has changed, the growthplates are only open for a limited amount of time
Might not have had enough milk. Bones need a lot of that shit to grow. Calcium and whatnot. When I was a teenager I craved milk all the time. Or maybe you only had 2% milk or something.
that research does sound interesting though... can you send it pm?
I seen it in a documentary about longevity a few years back. Can't remember the name of it.

The 122 year old lady I was talking about was Jeanne Calment.

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