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Discussion Would you do this for 10 billion

Would you

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters


Baba Yaga
Established ★
Jul 17, 2024
You will be inside a shark cage surrounded by sharks pumped with max dose of every steroid known to man

You have to survive 10 minutes and the cage is weak and rusty

and the water temp rises every 10 seconds till it becomes boiling pissing off the sharks on roids
You will be inside a shark cage surrounded by sharks pumped with max dose of every steroid known to man
View attachment 43433

You have to survive 10 minutes and the cage is weak and rusty

and the water temp rises every 10 seconds till it becomes boiling pissing off the sharks on roids
Will the cage be strong enough to hold and I have the equipament to survive underwater? Then yes, of fucking course yes. I would do that for waaay less then 10 billion. I would do that for some 50 K dollars, lol.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
Will the cage be strong enough to hold and I have the equipament to survive underwater? Then yes, of fucking course yes. I would do that for waaay less then 10 billion. I would do that for some 50 K dollars, lol.
No the cage is weak and old
what's the point of 10 billon if your those sharks prey I'm also Sure that many steroids would kill you off before the sharks but maybe I don't know that much about steroids.
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  • #17
what's the point of 10 billon if your those sharks prey I'm also Sure that many steroids would kill you off before the sharks but maybe I don't know that much about steroids.
If you live you get to live big
Well, this is simply a problem of: if i am going to live or not.
Because there is no choice that i can make within the cage to live.
It is up to the sharks if they break the cage, and that power is decided by if you make them that powerful.
If it were, say, i fight a wolf for a billion dollars, then that can be based off of my abilities.
Here, there is no basis of abilities and only fate/how the circumstances are.
So, you will have to tell me if I live or die.