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Discussion Would you do this for 100 million dollars

Surf of lava for 100 million dollars

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Dnr

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters


Baba Yaga
Established ★
Jul 17, 2024
Would you surf on lava for 100 million dollars that's alot of money 1000005347.jpg
They will give you a lava protection suit 1000005346.jpg
And and durable surfboard that can withstand the heat of the lava 1000005345.png
Personally I'm doing it it would be coop to be in my mansion telling people I surfed on lava it's like some superhuman feat
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  • #6
f**k, i would do that for 100 thousands dollars.
But how can you surf with balls of steel bro mirin the courage
Pay my travel to the place, food, hotel and i will do it for 50 K dollars
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  • #11
I just realized I can't write and Thread properly
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  • #12
Yeah, that and a lot of other things. Gon a die doing that.
But you will have 100 million so if you die your family will be wealthy
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  • #19
50 k dollars in reais (Brazilian coin) is close to 250 k and thats enough for a height surgery. For me, thats acceptable as f**k
Would you surf on lava for 100 million dollars that's alot of money View attachment 34019
They will give you a lava protection suit View attachment 34020
And and durable surfboard that can withstand the heat of the lava View attachment 34021
Personally I'm doing it it would be coop to be in my mansion telling people I surfed on lava it's like some superhuman feat
If the suit would protect me completely, then yes, I would even swim in it. But if it only protects from splashes, then no way. I can't surf, so I'd be doomed, it would be suicide.
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  • #30
If the suit would protect me completely, then yes, I would even swim in it. But if it only protects from splashes, then no way. I can't surf, so I'd be doomed, it would be suicide.
Yeah the sun would protect you from the lava completely so if you fall in you would be fine

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