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Established ★★
Mar 16, 2024
would u rather be stuck in a time loop or exist forever like a ghost (u cant fly and shit u r like a human)
noone knows u exist but u do
u are invisible and no one can hear u and u can't do anything u just exist
would u rather be stuck in a time loop or exist forever like a ghost (u cant fly and shit u r like a human)
noone knows u exist but u do
u are invisible and no one can hear u and u can't do anything u just exist
what am i experiencing in the loop
Time loop. Both options would eventually drive me mad and cause me to lose my self-awareness, but if I lived forever, I'd suffer from some incurable disease or get turned into a fucking labrat or supersoldier by the goverment before that happens. In a time loop I would become a menace to society iykwim :devilish::devilish:
Is this a steins gate reference? I've only watched the first season, so I don't know wtf happens there.
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  • #8
Time loop. Both options would eventually drive me mad and cause me to lose my self-awareness, but if I lived forever, I'd suffer from some incurable disease or get turned into a f*****g labrat or supersoldier by the goverment before that happens. In a time loop I would become a menace to society iykwim :devilish::devilish:
Is this a steins gate reference? I've only watched the first season, so I don't know wtf happens there.
u will not live forever u will just take a human ghost form and u can't interfere with anything

observer mode forever and u can only travel by foot and u can get tired too 😉
so that i can become super high iq and also spend infinite time with family
what if i eventually become super super high iq and transcend human intelligence and barriers and learn a way to break free of the loop and live as a god amongst men
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  • #14
what if i eventually become super super high iq and transcend human intelligence and barriers and learn a way to break free of the loop and live as a god amongst men
also death will reset loop
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  • #16
what if i eventually become super super high iq and transcend human intelligence and barriers and learn a way to break free of the loop and live as a god amongst men
ending up crazy or braindead is a greater possibility
i mean if i choose to live forever like a ghost
cuz if i could write and nobody can see me, and i am immortal, i can also study and become high iq
then i can convince everyone i am an invisible god
i also will write letters to my family and to the government
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  • #29
cuz if i could write and nobody can see me, and i am immortal, i can also study and become high iq
then i can convince everyone i am an invisible god
i also will write letters to my family and to the government
only before death u can write
then u becom forever living ghost and u can't communicate with people
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  • #32
cuz if i could write and nobody can see me, and i am immortal, i can also study and become high iq
then i can convince everyone i am an invisible god
i also will write letters to my family and to the government
i think u have a good point

we should be able to write but we cant prove our existence

this makes more sense if u can pick up a pen u can write 🤯
would u rather be stuck in a time loop or exist forever like a ghost (u cant fly and shit u r like a human)
noone knows u exist but u do
u are invisible and no one can hear u and u can't do anything u just exist
Well, actually :pogu:

Basically, when cosmology logic is applied with rationality ideals, it is believed that the only way to explain the originator of all consequences (action and reaction) is by making a loop in time. Hence, time would be infinitely and, even if variations exist, repetition would happen.
Therefore, to live forever is also to be stuck in a loop.

Time loop. Both options would eventually drive me mad and cause me to lose my self-awareness, but if I lived forever, I'd suffer from some incurable disease or get turned into a f*****g labrat or supersoldier by the goverment before that happens. In a time loop I would become a menace to society iykwim :devilish::devilish:
Is this a steins gate reference? I've only watched the first season, so I don't know wtf happens there.
You would be bored as fuck Pluss still be ugly
what if i eventually become super super high iq and transcend human intelligence and barriers and learn a way to break free of the loop and live as a god amongst men
Put the smartest men on the middle of mars, he will die due to lack of oxygen. Intelligence is limited by both empirical data gathering and material limitation.
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  • #50
That's the worst simping I ever heard. Unbelievable. Astonishing.
i cant do anything else
i will look at cute girls
