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Yall think face or height ?

Face is more important than height.

Height is important don't get me wrong, but face is so much more important.

If you only have height but not a good face, it will be hard for someone to stay in a relationship with you because they are most likely only staying with you so their kids can be tall
Height is everything, Height, height, height. People don't know how bad life is as a manlet, you're a laughing stock to everyone, nobody takes you seriously, women unironically look at you like you're some subhuman genetic failure. I'm 5'4 and life is hell on earth, you can't even wear clothes like suits or pretty much anything because it looks comical. No matter what you do people always look at you like you're some repulsive animal
Height is everything, Height, height, height. People don't know how bad life is as a manlet, you're a laughing stock to everyone, nobody takes you seriously, women unironically look at you like you're some subhuman genetic failure. I'm 5'4 and life is hell on earth, you can't even wear clothes like suits or pretty much anything because it looks comical. No matter what you do people always look at you like you're some repulsive animal
height matters to an extent, <5'7 is death tier tbh
Height is everything, Height, height, height. People don't know how bad life is as a manlet, you're a laughing stock to everyone, nobody takes you seriously, women unironically look at you like you're some subhuman genetic failure. I'm 5'4 and life is hell on earth, you can't even wear clothes like suits or pretty much anything because it looks comical. No matter what you do people always look at you like you're some repulsive animal
are you thinking of getting LL later on?
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Height is everything, Height, height, height. People don't know how bad life is as a manlet, you're a laughing stock to everyone, nobody takes you seriously, women unironically look at you like you're some subhuman genetic failure. I'm 5'4 and life is hell on earth, you can't even wear clothes like suits or pretty much anything because it looks comical. No matter what you do people always look at you like you're some repulsive animal
im short 5'7 5'8 and its not that bad
5'4 sounds rough bro but just go for shorter girls man or move to a location with shorter girls
legit all girls i have dated are under 5'4 or like 5'4 max, so yea height does matter and yes if ur really really short its brutal but you gotta make the best with what u have
good luck bro

unrelated question: how good is ur face?
im short 5'7 5'8 and its not that bad
5'4 sounds rough bro but just go for shorter girls man or move to a location with shorter girls
legit all girls i have dated are under 5'4 or like 5'4 max, so yea height does matter and yes if ur really really short its brutal but you gotta make the best with what u have
good luck bro

unrelated question: how good is ur face?
I am MTN according to @Incognito but he is overrating due to me being young and he thinks I could look better once older despite me being 17 soon 18 so no big change will occur, I got rated multiple times LTN. So I’m below average
I am MTN according to @Incognito but he is overrating due to me being young and he thinks I could look better once older despite me being 17 soon 18 so no big change will occur, I got rated multiple times LTN. So I’m below average
Nope you are MTN. Trust me on this

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