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You girls are lying about muscles not mattering and I'm sick of it (my experience as fat, skinny, muscular)


Master Mogger
Aug 20, 2024
I have been fat, skinny, and am currently buff as shit. Each 3 was a different experience with the same social groups throughout. The same pool of females in my life. And what i've learned is you don't see male sexual attraction the same way as men see female sexual attraction.

Its like women experience 2 kinds of attraction, especially physical. There's the one aspect where you connect on a deeper level with your partners personality and trust them, providing you with intra-personal security and peace of mind, this attraction can and often does Segway into sexual attraction but not the same way the other aspect does.

Aspect number 2 is the primal sexual attraction that causes you to go crazy, wanted to do freaky stuff like scratching up backs and licking abs. Weird stuff. Its a side that y'all don't show often, and generally speaking is something you do whether or not you're sure the partner is just as interested as you, hence why women throw panties at BTS members on stage knowing fully well that they have no chance with them.

Now these aspects can be different for each woman since the expression of them is fully based on your experiences and possible abuse history.

Now guys, as men we want to be desired sexually in a relationship. When we are average, fat, or skinny, with a mid sized penis, she doesn't WANT you. She HAS you. Its a power thing. Its this feeling of control that they crave in these situations. Men are more oriented to the physical aspects of sex. Biologically women are more inclined to take the role of submission, its what they are naturally comfortable with. Do you think they'd wanna submit to a beer belly? twig arms? man tits? No cuz biologically a V-Taper, muscular top down physique is a subconscious signal to women that you are worthy of carrying on her bloodline and are capable of doing so.

Now add the conditioning society has used on us in media and hollywood. The shirt reveal moments, they obsess over muscle and make women see it as even sexier than it rlly is. Because biceps aren't needed for reproduction.

Another great way to see how women truly feel about muscles is to read their secret lil smut books. AND THEIR REACTIONS TO THE BOOKS. Big dominant men with big muscles and strength. The biological turn on.

Now lets get one thing straight here I'm not saying you need muscles to be valuable or hot to a woman. some women genuinely don't care (those women also tend to be bisexual or demisexual, with a low sex drive due to genetics or previous abuse. The ones who are more sexual in nature are generally into muscular men, tall muscular men).

In my experience I was objectified, approached, and sexually harassed by women a lot more. They had bold confidence. or did they? I personally think that seeing big muscles in real life mixed with a lethal face card can make anyone shoot their shot. When you are like that, boys, you do not have to chase.

I got a girlfriend when I was fat years ago. She was fun, but treated me differently. No sexual interest was visible. When I was skinny, girls would ask more abt dick size etc.

Muscular Life - (with a good face card is even better, but a ghost face mask works just as well): LIFE IS EASY MODE. Women throw themselves at you, find excuses to touch or bite you, and are only your verbal consent away from pulling you into their bedroom. it could be with women you just met. (in most cases) No effort
Screenshot 2024-09-19 3.11.55 PM.jpg Screenshot 2024-09-19 3.23.22 PM.jpgScreenshot 2024-09-19 3.22.52 PM.jpg

Fat Life - Your personality is the pulling force for most women. But most women will not notice you. Luck is necessary to bag anyone you're attracted to. Women are not sexually excited by you as easily. They tend to want to wait a long time before sex. Its a safe life if you want to make genuine connection and have a good relationship (minus being attracted to your partner.) High Effort

Skinny life - (face card doesn't matter as much but height does) Girls will assume you're packing down there. You pull more emo and short people, MTB at best unless you're Pete Davidson or are rich. Abs are another expectation if you're skinny. A specific niche of girls usually have tall lanky guys as their type, but you wont be pulling many gym baddies unless you are literally Pete Davidson. Medium effort.
No cuz biologically a V-Taper, muscular top down physique is a subconscious signal to women that you are worthy of carrying on her bloodline and are capable of doing so.
wrong, its about having a good frame and height and naturally lean from eating good food
Now add the conditioning society has used on us in media and hollywood. The shirt reveal moments, they obsess over muscle and make women see it as even sexier than it rlly is. Because biceps aren't needed for reproduction.
So they are brainwashing you into believing this makes you more attractive? jfl
Another great way to see how women truly feel about muscles is to read their secret lil smut books. AND THEIR REACTIONS TO THE BOOKS. Big dominant men with big muscles and strength. The biological turn on.
emphasis on big, it refers to height and frame and bone density. not muscle.
Now lets get one thing straight here I'm not saying you need muscles to be valuable or hot to a woman. some women genuinely don't care (those women also tend to be bisexual or demisexual, with a low sex drive due to genetics or previous abuse. The ones who are more sexual in nature are generally into muscular men, tall muscular men).

In my experience I was objectified, approached, and sexually harassed by women a lot more. They had bold confidence. or did they? I personally think that seeing big muscles in real life mixed with a lethal face card can make anyone shoot their shot. When you are like that, boys, you do not have to chase.
a naturally lean physique with some muscle tone, sure. you can obtain without gymcelling though
I got a girlfriend when I was fat years ago. She was fun, but treated me differently. No sexual interest was visible. When I was skinny, girls would ask more abt dick size etc.

Muscular Life - (with a good face card is even better, but a ghost face mask works just as well): LIFE IS EASY MODE. Women throw themselves at you, find excuses to touch or bite you, and are only your verbal consent away from pulling you into their bedroom. it could be with women you just met. (in most cases)
how are the muscles relevant to that? you probably just got more attractive w age
No effort View attachment 41644View attachment 41645View attachment 41646

Fat Life - Your personality is the pulling force for most women.
nope, it's your "pulling force" is a placeholder spot
But most women will not notice you.
Luck is necessary to bag anyone you're attracted to. Women are not sexually excited by you as easily. They tend to want to wait a long time before sex. Its a safe life if you want to make genuine connection and have a good relationship (minus being attracted to your partner.) High Effort
View attachment 41647View attachment 41648

Skinny life - (face card doesn't matter as much but height does) Girls will assume you're packing down there. You pull more emo and short people, MTB at best unless you're Pete Davidson or are rich. Abs are another expectation if you're skinny. A specific niche of girls usually have tall lanky guys as their type, but you wont be pulling many gym baddies unless you are literally Pete Davidson. Medium effort.
Slightly skinny is natural
Mentioning BTS as an example of desired men and then saying girls get excited only with Physique is peak delusion. All those guys are feminine as hell no muscles, but they usually have a pretty boy face that is the one that makes women desire them (also status but unless you are famous status doesn't matter).
This discussion is no sense tbh. Face>Physique but BOTH of them matter. Also to have a good face you need to don't be fat no other option.
Mentioning BTS as an example of desired men and then saying girls get excited only with Physique is peak delusion. All those guys are feminine as hell no muscles, but they usually have a pretty boy face that is the one that makes women desire them (also status but unless you are famous status doesn't matter).
This discussion is no sense tbh. Face>Physique but BOTH of them matter. Also to have a good face you need to don't be fat no other option.
Exactly, face and health are the priority not muh physique. Your physique will be naturally good if you focus on your face and health.
Mentioning BTS as an example of desired men and then saying girls get excited only with Physique is peak delusion. All those guys are feminine as hell no muscles, but they usually have a pretty boy face that is the one that makes women desire them (also status but unless you are famous status doesn't matter).
This discussion is no sense tbh. Face>Physique but BOTH of them matter. Also to have a good face you need to don't be fat no other option.
they dont have a prettyboy face they literally dont look like men. one of them were rated as the most handsome man and he looks like a fucking a sloth not even human
they dont have a prettyboy face they literally dont look like men. one of them were rated as the most handsome man and he looks like a fucking a sloth not even human
jealousy, an attractive healthy face is an attractive healthy face
they dont have a prettyboy face they literally dont look like men. one of them were rated as the most handsome man and he looks like a fucking a sloth not even human
That guy has frauded pics in wich he looks like a prettyboy. Overall he's not but he got rated based on those pics. Also bts fans overtook that votation with alt accounts. Thera are better examples of kpop singerw with better looks tho.
Korean corporations spend tons of money and professionals time to research the most appealing faces to sell their shit all over the world. If they choose Skinny guys instead of bodybuilders there must be a reason.
That guy has frauded pics in wich he looks like a prettyboy. Overall he's not but he got rated based on those pics. Also bts fans overtook that votation with alt accounts. Thera are better examples of kpop singerw with better looks tho.
Korean corporations spend tons of money and professionals time to research the most appealing faces to sell their shit all over the world. If they choose Skinny guys instead of bodybuilders there must be a reason.
It's also not necessarily about being skinny, it's about appearing healthy. They fraud health indicators because they don't know the method

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