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You guys ever wish you could unsee the black pill?


Well-known member
May 11, 2024
Ever since I realized how the world works it sent me into such a nihilistic void after I realized humans are nothing but bio machines and we act off our monkey brains. My brain has become so rotted. Even after ascending to the Tyrone range nothing is rly enjoyable because I know the reason behind the actions of most people.
Ever since I realized how the world works it sent me into such a nihilistic void after I realized humans are nothing but bio machines and we act off our monkey brains. My brain has become so rotted. Even after ascending to the Tyrone range nothing is rly enjoyable because I know the reason behind the actions of most people.
It may sting, but maturing is realizing the human nature. Accept what you can't unsee and live with this knowledge that is deeply entrenched in humans subconsciously anyway.
sometimes yes, but then i would stay ugly and stay being a victim.
at least now i have something to work towards, it gives me meaning. even if those standards might never be reached due to the cards ive been dealt.
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  • #10
It may sting, but maturing is realizing the human nature. Accept what you can't unsee and live with this knowledge that is deeply entrenched in humans subconsciously anyway.
Yea your right but lord it’s disgusting when you think about it we truly are just animals at the end of the day
I already lived a poor social life. I was 3-17 yo and desperate to be part of the group, not understanding why I couldn't, not understanding why i was always ignored and if a girl looked at me it was going to be with a not very positive face. I already knew it was over before learning the blackpill.
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  • #17
I already lived a poor social life. I was 3-17 yo and desperate to be part of the group, not understanding why I couldn't, not understanding why i was always ignored and if a girl looked at me it was going to be with a not very positive face. I already knew it was over before learning the blackpill.
Brutal you should focus on money maxxing so you can hard max later
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  • #22
Currently college maxxing as cope. I kind of gave up in everything social related I just want to do something big to be remembered at least in my city.
After you college max (assuming you have a good career after) try hard maxing
It may sting, but maturing is realizing the human nature. Accept what you can't unsee and live with this knowledge that is deeply entrenched in humans subconsciously anyway.
true, if i wasnt blackpill id still be chronically delusional, bp helped me see the truth and I guess im more content now
After you college max (assuming you have a good career after) try hard maxing
I'm somewhat conflicted about this because I hate so much when I see someone that is under surgery. I also hate when I see someone with natural beauty. And I hate when people talk about beauty products and shit. I think I'm achieving max level incel but I always try to be hopeful about other things.
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  • #26

I'm somewhat conflicted about this because I hate so much when I see someone that is under surgery. I also hate when I see someone with natural beauty. And I hate when people talk about beauty products and shit. I think I'm achieving max level incel but I always try to be hopeful about other things.
Judging by this yes you are close to max level incel hard maxing is your best bet (inner light maxing plus personality transplant)
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  • #39
Appreciate it, but I have low appeal even if I look a bit better. I have a low trust face that looks angry and scary to people. If further ascension doesn't work, I'll need surgery or something.
I mean shit jus dark triad low trust max (you won’t have any appeal but you’ll look cool)
This website is a copy of .org. It was very helpful to me 2020-2023. theres been like a bunch of tiktok kids joining recently so im here just to fuck around until they find a solution
this website is a copy of lookism
org is also a copy of lookism

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