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Youtuber Goatis. Raw Meat, Milk, Cream & Eggs.

Goatis is a good YouTuber with valuable information, I recently watched on of his videos and the format is quite enjoyable.

He tells you what you need to hear to improve. He doesn't tell you to work out to improve test, because he follows the science and has realized working out doesn't improve test.

I still think being in shape is an important thing, even after watching his videos, however a good circadian rythym, diet, and lifestyle with a lack of blue light and other modern poisons are very beneficial
He's extremely sctizo and weird. Bad vibes. I agree with health max and some of the things he says. But I don't see good in him. Very empty soul. Psychopathic almost. Also he's extremely anti gym. That's fine. But he's a big hypocrite as he's been caught at gym a few times. Also after his ex came forward about how he is. The acid facing stuff he did. The connections and all the other odd shit he did growing up that was in the news. Dude is a broken clock that's right sometimes. I don't feel like he's a guy who follows his advice the way he preaches. Right for me. Wrong for thee type shit. Also he tends to projection his insecurity on to other men. Saying good-looking men never work out. Indicating he believes he's superior but his ex has said many times he would get jealous over men bigger than him and do crazy shit just to be more "manley' I just can't respect his soul so to speak. It's corrupted. He's not very smart and it's very much an act. He's so easy to read. Lolcow level tuber with decent info sometimes.
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Goatis is a good YouTuber with valuable information, I recently watched on of his videos and the format is quite enjoyable.

He tells you what you need to hear to improve. He doesn't tell you to work out to improve test, because he follows the science and has realized working out doesn't improve test.

I still think being in shape is an important thing, even after watching his videos, however a good circadian rythym, diet, and lifestyle with a lack of blue light and other modern poisons are very beneficial
Yeah he's said so much that you shouldn't work out and that it causes stress and ageing. Sure I do get what he means about bodybuilders and them lifting crazy amounts of weights (like Ronnie Coleman) and eating weird diets which are natural and not good such as slobbering a bunch of Jam on bagels and feeding people cornflakes etc etc.

Also he basically hates all sports and calls them "for slaves" but then like I hear that and think to myself 'well what on earth are you meant to do all day?'
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  • #6
He's extremely sctizo and weird. Bad vibes. I agree with health max and some of the things he says. But I don't see good in him. Very empty soul. Psychopathic almost. Also he's extremely anti gym. That's fine. But he's a big hypocrite as he's been caught at gym a few times. Also after his ex came forward about how he is. The acid facing stuff he did. The connections and all the other odd shit he did growing up that was in the news. Dude is a broken clock that's right sometimes. I don't feel like he's a guy who follows his advice the way he preaches. Right for me. Wrong for thee type shit. Also he tends to projection his insecurity on to other men. Saying good-looking men never work out. Indicating he believes he's superior but his ex has said many times he would get jealous over men bigger than him and do crazy shit just to be more "manley' I just can't respect his soul so to speak. It's corrupted. He's not very smart and it's very much an act. He's so easy to read. Lolcow level tuber with decent info sometimes.
I think it was to do with some school incident which happened back then (crazy ikr)
i dont know him
working out is important
heating up milk and meat is important too to kill all the bacteria
1 in 4 chicken have salmonella
his message is very good , but some of his actions are bad
no to what
the things you said are factually wrong
if you have a healthy gut microbiome , salmonella wont do shit to you
many cultures thrived on raw milk , the bacteria in the milk is good for you
the things you said are factually wrong
if you have a healthy gut microbiome , salmonella wont do shit to you
many cultures thrived on raw milk , the bacteria in the milk is good for you
true, I’ve heard though that if you want to start drinking raw milk, you should introduce it at a quarter glass per day, and let your gut microbiome adjust.
true, I’ve heard though that if you want to start drinking raw milk, you should introduce it at a quarter glass per day, and let your gut microbiome adjust.
yes thats true
Just another modern "influencer"
i dont know him
working out is important
heating up milk and meat is important too to kill all the bacteria
1 in 4 chicken have salmonella
I have eaten raw eggs or severely undercooked for a while now. Since a few years ago I was always lazy to cook so I would just rinse the shell and eat the insides.

Never got sick. Salmonella also rarely kills people. Not saying you should though, but just food for thought.
People give too much credit to diet. As long as you are eating enough and nutritious food, you will be fine.

My grandma lives as a vegetarian her whole life, according to most people in this sphere that's the equivalent of eating poisonous anti nutrients everyday, yet she still lived to about 90+.

She even caught covid and recovered from it ( She was vaccinated to be fair ).

She however died this year from a heart attack, RIP
projection his insecurity on to other men. Saying good-looking men never work out. Indicating he believes he's superior but his ex has said many times he would get jealous over men bigger than him and do crazy shit just to be more "manley' I just can't respect his soul so to speak. It's corrupted. He's not very smart and it's very much an act. He's so easy to read. Lolcow level tuber with decent info sometimes
That's because right now you won't get rewarded for sharing genuine and non bias information.

Everyone has to be an extremists for some reason. Easiest way to gain traction because no one wants to reason with the other side.

I made a thread on becoming a vegetarian for a while for personal reason and immediately someone insulted me and called vegetarians cucks.
the things you said are factually wrong
if you have a healthy gut microbiome , salmonella wont do shit to you
many cultures thrived on raw milk , the bacteria in the milk is good for you
yes you are right, the better your microbiome, the better you withstand salmonella
but most people will have a bad microbiome and thus struggle
you will first need to build a good microbiome
true, I’ve heard though that if you want to start drinking raw milk, you should introduce it at a quarter glass per day, and let your gut microbiome adjust.
yes, i suppose that if you make a good microbiome and then slowly introduce the milk then it is good
its all bullshit. See tribes from Asia of America. They eat raw meat and still look round and short. It is all cope. Richard Ramirez ate only candy and got that bone mass.
its all bullshit. See tribes from Asia of America. They eat raw meat and still look round and short. It is all cope. Richard Ramirez ate only candy and got that bone mass.
no I agree, I plan to start doing carnivore diet after puberty, because while it’s great for health it is not optimal for development.

I still eat plenty of eggs (raw and cooked), red meat, cheese, organs, etc but I also eat a ton of fruit, carbohydrates, etc (pigmaxxing theory).
any problems? Would you eat it as your primary diet?
I don’t think so, I am not in a situation where I would be able to eat it all the time

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