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Info In a society that profits from your sickness , being healthy is the ultimate rebellion [MUST READ]


Ϫ The One Lord of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Established Member
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil

" They create the sickness , then sell you the cure "


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to forget the simple pleasures and health benefits that come from consuming dairy products and spending time in nature. This article explores the numerous advantages of these two seemingly disparate, yet intrinsically linked aspects of our lives.

The Nutritional Powerhouse: Dairy​

Dairy products are a nutritional powerhouse, providing a unique package of essential nutrients that contribute to our overall health.

Essential Nutrients​

Dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium, protein, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B12. These nutrients play a crucial role in keeping our muscles, bones, nerves, teeth, skin, and vision healthy1. They also help release energy from foods, reduce tiredness and fatigue, maintain healthy blood pressure, support normal growth and brain development, and even support normal immune functioning.

Bone Health​

Dairy products are essential for bone health at all stages of life. They contribute significantly to the development of bone mineral content during adolescence and help prevent conditions like osteoporosis in adulthood.

Digestive Health​

Fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir are excellent sources of probiotics, which help maintain the natural balance of the gut microbiota, contributing to overall digestive health

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there is nothing more alpha than eating meat

You should Never underestimate the power of nature , we are from the earth and we return to the earth after all .
as we advance and create , we confine ourselves in mechanical torture ...
just spreading ancestral wisdom 🙏
personally, while I like meat in general, I shy away from fish, just because it reeks and it usually is just as bad as it smells
apart from canned tuna, it's amazing, I love it
I should try drinking a lot more milk myself, though, I think I've kind of neglected that my whole life
but all in all, 100% agree with the post
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Another way is by using and promoting solar products.

Greedy capitalists would rather everyone on the planet die from global warming than to lose 5 cents of profit from your energy bills.
While I agree with the post title, i disagree with some of the specifics.


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to forget the simple pleasures and health benefits that come from consuming dairy products and spending time in nature. This article explores the numerous advantages of these two seemingly disparate, yet intrinsically linked aspects of our lives.

The Nutritional Powerhouse: Dairy​

Dairy products are a nutritional powerhouse, providing a unique package of essential nutrients that contribute to our overall health.
Most humanoids are lactose intolerant, its only a small section of the species, whites and 25% of blacks that have adapted to bovine lactose.

Many or most of the nutritional benefits of dairy are from raw bovine lactose. Pasteurized carries several advantages such as more shelflife and its more profitable for all businesses, at the cost of being less healthy. Raw dairy becomes unsafe after 4 days so you'd need direct delivery from nearby farms. I have had Amazon delivery claim a 1 or 2 day delivery, yet it arrives in 4 days.

Bone Health
Dairy products are essential for bone health at all stages of life. They contribute significantly to the development of bone mineral content during adolescence and help prevent conditions like osteoporosis in adulthood.
99% of research is fake, so this is unclear. Some claim that calcium vitamins make bones weaker, others claim it makes it stronger. Some say it depends on what type of calcium and what foods it is ingested with. You just have to guess which research is correct and probably some of the research varies from person to person, one person's medicine might not work for everyone.

View attachment 24480 View attachment 24481
there is nothing more alpha than eating meat
Meat is probably healthy but the carnivore diet seems less healthy than a well balanced diet. There is a new trend of carnivores saying that fruit and veggies are unhealthy, but this is probably just all fake. Fruits and veggies are very healthy and you need to consume those.
I looked online turns out raw milk can usually last 7-10 days, 4 days is only rare, but you have to factor that in to the minimum. It can last for months in the freezer so there could be specialized delivery vehicles for that.
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Most humanoids are lactose intolerant
our ancestors survived thousands of years with milk , especially raw milk contains the enzymes needed for its digestion
everyone used to be lactose tolerant
just tolerate the f*****g milk
carnivore diet seems less healthy than a well balanced diet
yea true , but most media nowadays says meat is bad and shit like that
Some claim that calcium vitamins make bones weaker
modern medicine BS
Raw dairy becomes unsafe after 4 days
our ancestors survived thousands of years with milk ,
hunter gatherers would have been unlikely to domesticate bovines. Maybe goat milk is what ancient people drank

especially raw milk contains the enzymes needed for its digestion
everyone used to be lactose tolerant
just tolerate the f*****g milk
raw milk is illegal sadly, if it was legal i would choose it over pasteurized milk

That post is out of date, new update is 7-10 days or months if frozen. There is no edit button to edit the post sadly

" They create the sickness , then sell you the cure "


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to forget the simple pleasures and health benefits that come from consuming dairy products and spending time in nature. This article explores the numerous advantages of these two seemingly disparate, yet intrinsically linked aspects of our lives.

The Nutritional Powerhouse: Dairy​

Dairy products are a nutritional powerhouse, providing a unique package of essential nutrients that contribute to our overall health.

Essential Nutrients​

Dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium, protein, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B12. These nutrients play a crucial role in keeping our muscles, bones, nerves, teeth, skin, and vision healthy1. They also help release energy from foods, reduce tiredness and fatigue, maintain healthy blood pressure, support normal growth and brain development, and even support normal immune functioning.

Bone Health​

Dairy products are essential for bone health at all stages of life. They contribute significantly to the development of bone mineral content during adolescence and help prevent conditions like osteoporosis in adulthood.

Digestive Health​

Fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir are excellent sources of probiotics, which help maintain the natural balance of the gut microbiota, contributing to overall digestive health

View attachment 24480 View attachment 24481
there is nothing more alpha than eating meat

You should Never underestimate the power of nature , we are from the earth and we return to the earth after all .
as we advance and create , we confine ourselves in mechanical torture ...
I don’t like eating a lot of cow dairy and meat, our natural digestive system inflates and bloats because we started eating cow products in an unhealthy way because of the environment that they are grown, but goat diary have the same benefits as cow diary and without lactose (for any f*g that is lactose intolerant in here) and just think that the hunter gatherer people never really eaten cow, cows are gestated in 9 months, they only ate cow meat in special occasions, the only way to sustain the way we eat beef today is in a unnatural way
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meat is great in all its form , except processed ofc , as long as you are normal ( not fat ) meat is good for you , we are apex predators , we are made to eat other animals
meat is great in all its form , except processed ofc , as long as you are normal ( not fat ) meat is good for you , we are apex predators , we are made to eat other animals
Humans were a prey animal that became Apex Legends through iq. After the discovery of fire it became easier to defend against predators and then the invention of spears and bows.
The ultimate rebellion is not drinking tap water. Having only tap water available to students that were forced to go to school is a crime
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The ultimate rebellion is not drinking tap water. Having only tap water available to students that were forced to go to school is a crime
drink from the closest river
Another way is by using and promoting solar products.

Greedy capitalists would rather everyone on the planet die from global warming than to lose 5 cents of profit from your energy bills.
don't apply hormonal disurpting kike chemicals to your skin. sun is healthy.

" They create the sickness , then sell you the cure "


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to forget the simple pleasures and health benefits that come from consuming dairy products and spending time in nature. This article explores the numerous advantages of these two seemingly disparate, yet intrinsically linked aspects of our lives.

The Nutritional Powerhouse: Dairy​

Dairy products are a nutritional powerhouse, providing a unique package of essential nutrients that contribute to our overall health.

Essential Nutrients​

Dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium, protein, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B12. These nutrients play a crucial role in keeping our muscles, bones, nerves, teeth, skin, and vision healthy1. They also help release energy from foods, reduce tiredness and fatigue, maintain healthy blood pressure, support normal growth and brain development, and even support normal immune functioning.

Bone Health​

Dairy products are essential for bone health at all stages of life. They contribute significantly to the development of bone mineral content during adolescence and help prevent conditions like osteoporosis in adulthood.

Digestive Health​

Fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir are excellent sources of probiotics, which help maintain the natural balance of the gut microbiota, contributing to overall digestive health

View attachment 24480 View attachment 24481
there is nothing more alpha than eating meat

You should Never underestimate the power of nature , we are from the earth and we return to the earth after all .
as we advance and create , we confine ourselves in mechanical torture ...
Love this thread, good job.
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best thread I ever did
increase testosterone by cavemax maxxing, f**k women like a wild animal, eating meat like a hungry subhuman and exercise minimum 4.5 hours a day.
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