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Info Looksmaxxing Encyclopedia (Synthesis)


Established Member
Feb 17, 2024
Italy, florence

It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable of"​

Looks matter, really, many are the advantages which attractive people benefit from. Especially in this modern world, one of the main factors which help getting attention is attractivenes, along with money; we can call this "attention magnet" effect as halo effect.

  • What is "looksmaxxing"?
Looksmaxxing is what we mainly intend as "maximizing our physicial appearence", or simply becoming or trying to become the best version of yourself.

Facial aspects
Understanding and knowing your facial aspects is a very important part of looksmaxxing, because it helps you orientate and understand what you have to work on.

You will get your facial features changed to make face more attractive
Harmony is a very important factor which defiens your facial attractivenes.

Harmony is how well all of your features, proportions, and measurements sync together to create
an objectively beautiful face.

  • How do i know if i have a good facial harmony?
Evidence from Meta-Analyses of the Facial Width-to-Height Ratio as an  Evolved Cue of Threat | PLOS ONE

Things to consider include horizontal proportions and eye position. Horizontal proportions refer to 3 regions on the face; Upper Third, Mid Face and Lower Third. If these three areas are equally distributed or appear to be equal, you can reach facial harmony. Another thing to consider in order to know if you do have good facial harmony is considering the facial ratios of your face.

There are many kind of ratios and between those the most important is the width-to-height ratio, which defines if you either have a narrower or more compact face; the ideal number which is obtained by dividing the height by the width is 1.6.

Could be considered harmony also the averageness of the face, which is actually important to define an attractive face.
The Difference between Harmony and Averageness (by @pslgodduckz)
Very important factor of faicial harmony could also be considered to be the facial symmetry.

Best Hairstyle for Your Face Shape - HARTTER | MANLY
Hair is important, first you have to choose a haircut which would fit your face, in order to do so you should firstly know your face shape.
OblongClassic side-swept style.
Side-swept crew cut.
Faux hawk.
Textured top.
Long fringe.
Slick back.
Buzz cut.
French crop.
Standard side part.
Messy fringe.
Wavy textured haircut.
Crew cut.
Textured quiff.
Mid-fade big pompadour.
Taper fade with quiff.
Crop with faded sides and back.
Spiky cut.
Side-swept brush-up.

Next step in having impeccable hair is having good hair texture, there are some basic things you should keep in mind:
don't use hot water and dont dry your hair with hot air, use cold water instead, use shampoo only on the scalp, use a hair conditioner with olive oil.

Eye area

What Makes an Eye Area Good or Bad : r/Splendida
Eye are could be considered to be the most important part of your face, and there are various charateristics to cound (The difference between two aspects can be shown in the picture [positive canthal tilt/negative cantal tilt, ecc...]:
  1. Canthal tilt, the canthal tilt is the angle formed by the two lines which pass between the two vertices of your eyes. Important because it can help your look to seem more masculine, can be changed trough surgery.
  2. Eyebrows' tilt, similiar as the canthal tilt.
  3. Deep/Low set eyebrowns, they give more masculinity to your eyes.
  4. Upper eyelid exposure, can make your face look more femminine and "prey-ish"
  5. Under eye support, it is the cause of eyebags and many other things, can be fixed by applying ice.
  6. Eye color, you can't change anything about the eye color (not naturally, can change trough surgery), it is genetic, but you can make the color you already have "lighter" by eating a healthy diet, doing regular excersise, and avoiding excessive UV lights.
  7. Eye spacing, it is the space between the two eyes, the space between those should be the same as the one required to add another eye between them, so basically a 1:1:1 ratio.
Here are some links related to eye areas (Credits to those who made those):


Noses are important, and in the means of aesthetics it is prefered to have a thin, and straight nose.
The nose area cannot be fixed because the nose's shape is caused by the cartilageneous structure inside of it, which cannotbe changed without a surgery called Rhinoplasty

What Does An Attractive Nose Look Like ...

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty: a Surgery to ...

Links related to nose:


When Bad Skin Happens to Good People
There are two main aspects of skin which can be put in consideration:

  • Skin coloring: can be related to the foods you are consuming, to get a good skin coloring you should improve your beta carotene consumption.

Cheeks & Jaw

The cheeks and the jaw are a very important important factor of our attractivenes, there are various charateristics:

The importance of jawlines - CORINA ...

  • Cheekbones: they can be ether high or low set, ideally in the means of aesthetics they are meant to be high set, because it defines a more good-looking smile
  • Facial fat: a big enemy of many people, it is a result of water retention. A way to reduce the facial fat present in your cheeks is: consuming less sodium (salty foods), sleeping more, mewing (can find more info in the links), doing facial excersises, drinking more water (seems weird but it is actually so)
    • Bone mass: can cause flat cheeks, which could be considered to facial fat
  • Under/over bite: those two are cause of esthetical problems which can be fixed trough palate expanders.
  • Ramus: defines the distance between the mandible and the ear, usually is is prefered to have a tall ramus.
  • Gonial angle: The angle of the mandible (gonial angle) is located at the posterior border at the junction of the lower border of the ramus of the mandible.
  • Chin projection: should be c. 3 millimiters from the lower lip.
Check out this thead: The ultimate jaw megathead (by @pslgodduckz)
holy shit bro miring hard the effort
Nice thread bro, It looks like you put a lot of effort into it!

Yes, you are right, underbite and overbite are an aesthetic problem. If you have one of these conditions and don't treat them, you can lose teeth, experience a lot of chronic pain, sleep apnea, among other health problems, which directly influence your aesthetics.
I can give you the example of sleep apnea (side effect of both overbite and underbite), with sleep apnea, your sleep will SIGNIFICANTLY lose quality, and you should already know the importance of sleep for our appearance.
  • Under/over bite: those two are cause of esthetical problems which can be fixed trough palate expanders.

Now about the part that is really wrong in your thread: treatment of UB and OB with palate expanders.

Let's start with treating UB with expanders: it is possible! However, only in children (<12y). In adults, the palate expander is not an effective correction, as it will not significantly solve the problem, and will even ruin your smile in the upper teeth, to correct UB in adults there are basically 3 resolutions that must be analyzed for each case: Surgery, dental braces, and tooth extraction.

Now, about OB, even in children, it should only be used if the child has buck teeth, and should be used together with braces. In adults, it doesn't even make sense to expand the palate, the jaw will remain retracted, since nothing is influencing it to move forward. To solve OB in adults, the possibilities are almost the same as the solutions for UB: tooth extraction, corrective surgery, and braces.
(Left: underbite; middle: normal; right: overbite)

TDLR: If you are over 13 years old (which I hope you are), palate expanders will not work to resolve OB/UD, however, you still have other options that your orthodontist should review, these are: extraction of teeth, braces and correction surgery.

(mewing won't help)
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
Nice thread bro, It looks like you put a lot of effort into it!

Yes, you are right, underbite and overbite are an aesthetic problem. If you have one of these conditions and don't treat them, you can lose teeth, experience a lot of chronic pain, sleep apnea, among other health problems, which directly influence your aesthetics.
I can give you the example of sleep apnea (side effect of both overbite and underbite), with sleep apnea, your sleep will SIGNIFICANTLY lose quality, and you should already know the importance of sleep for our appearance.

Now about the part that is really wrong in your thread: treatment of UB and OB with palate expanders.

Let's start with treating UB with expanders: it is possible! However, only in children (<12y). In adults, the palate expander is not an effective correction, as it will not significantly solve the problem, and will even ruin your smile in the upper teeth, to correct UB in adults there are basically 3 resolutions that must be analyzed for each case: Surgery, dental braces, and tooth extraction.

Now, about OB, even in children, it should only be used if the child has buck teeth, and should be used together with braces. In adults, it doesn't even make sense to expand the palate, the jaw will remain retracted, since nothing is influencing it to move forward. To solve OB in adults, the possibilities are almost the same as the solutions for UB: tooth extraction, corrective surgery, and braces.
View attachment 27559
(Left: underbite; middle: normal; right: overbite)

TDLR: If you are over 13 years old (which I hope you are), palate expanders will not work to resolve OB/UD, however, you still have other options that your orthodontist should review, these are: extraction of teeth, braces and correction surgery.

(mewing won't help)
This was a part of the thread i didnt know but felt like adding it because i tought it was important and so i said to myself that probably searching on google is enough
Looks matter, really, many are the advantages which attractive people benefit from. Especially in this modern world, one of the main factors which help getting attention is attractivenes, along with money; we can call this "attention magnet" effect as halo effect.

  • What is "looksmaxxing"?
Looksmaxxing is what we mainly intend as "maximizing our physicial appearence", or simply becoming or trying to become the best version of yourself.

Facial aspects
Understanding and knowing your facial aspects is a very important part of looksmaxxing, because it helps you orientate and understand what you have to work on.

You will get your facial features changed to make face more attractive
Harmony is a very important factor which defiens your facial attractivenes.

Harmony is how well all of your features, proportions, and measurements sync together to create
an objectively beautiful face.

  • How do i know if i have a good facial harmony?
Evidence from Meta-Analyses of the Facial Width-to-Height Ratio as an  Evolved Cue of Threat | PLOS ONE

Things to consider include horizontal proportions and eye position. Horizontal proportions refer to 3 regions on the face; Upper Third, Mid Face and Lower Third. If these three areas are equally distributed or appear to be equal, you can reach facial harmony. Another thing to consider in order to know if you do have good facial harmony is considering the facial ratios of your face.

There are many kind of ratios and between those the most important is the width-to-height ratio, which defines if you either have a narrower or more compact face; the ideal number which is obtained by dividing the height by the width is 1.6.

Could be considered harmony also the averageness of the face, which is actually important to define an attractive face.
The Difference between Harmony and Averageness (by @pslgodduckz)
Very important factor of faicial harmony could also be considered to be the facial symmetry.

Best Hairstyle for Your Face Shape - HARTTER | MANLY
Hair is important, first you have to choose a haircut which would fit your face, in order to do so you should firstly know your face shape.
OblongClassic side-swept style.
Side-swept crew cut.
Faux hawk.
Textured top.
Long fringe.
Slick back.
Buzz cut.
French crop.
Standard side part.
Messy fringe.
Wavy textured haircut.
Crew cut.
Textured quiff.
Mid-fade big pompadour.
Taper fade with quiff.
Crop with faded sides and back.
Spiky cut.
Side-swept brush-up.

Next step in having impeccable hair is having good hair texture, there are some basic things you should keep in mind:
don't use hot water and dont dry your hair with hot air, use cold water instead, use shampoo only on the scalp, use a hair conditioner with olive oil.

Eye area

What Makes an Eye Area Good or Bad : r/Splendida
Eye are could be considered to be the most important part of your face, and there are various charateristics to cound (The difference between two aspects can be shown in the picture [positive canthal tilt/negative cantal tilt, ecc...]:
  1. Canthal tilt, the canthal tilt is the angle formed by the two lines which pass between the two vertices of your eyes. Important because it can help your look to seem more masculine, can be changed trough surgery.
  2. Eyebrows' tilt, similiar as the canthal tilt.
  3. Deep/Low set eyebrowns, they give more masculinity to your eyes.
  4. Upper eyelid exposure, can make your face look more femminine and "prey-ish"
  5. Under eye support, it is the cause of eyebags and many other things, can be fixed by applying ice.
  6. Eye color, you can't change anything about the eye color (not naturally, can change trough surgery), it is genetic, but you can make the color you already have "lighter" by eating a healthy diet, doing regular excersise, and avoiding excessive UV lights.
  7. Eye spacing, it is the space between the two eyes, the space between those should be the same as the one required to add another eye between them, so basically a 1:1:1 ratio.
Here are some links related to eye areas (Credits to those who made those):


Noses are important, and in the means of aesthetics it is prefered to have a thin, and straight nose.
The nose area cannot be fixed because the nose's shape is caused by the cartilageneous structure inside of it, which cannotbe changed without a surgery called Rhinoplasty

What Does An Attractive Nose Look Like ...

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty: a Surgery to ...

Links related to nose:


When Bad Skin Happens to Good People
There are two main aspects of skin which can be put in consideration:

  • Skin coloring: can be related to the foods you are consuming, to get a good skin coloring you should improve your beta carotene consumption.

Cheeks & Jaw

The cheeks and the jaw are a very important important factor of our attractivenes, there are various charateristics:

The importance of jawlines - CORINA ...

  • Cheekbones: they can be ether high or low set, ideally in the means of aesthetics they are meant to be high set, because it defines a more good-looking smile
  • Facial fat: a big enemy of many people, it is a result of water retention. A way to reduce the facial fat present in your cheeks is: consuming less sodium (salty foods), sleeping more, mewing (can find more info in the links), doing facial excersises, drinking more water (seems weird but it is actually so)
    • Bone mass: can cause flat cheeks, which could be considered to facial fat
  • Under/over bite: those two are cause of esthetical problems which can be fixed trough palate expanders.
  • Ramus: defines the distance between the mandible and the ear, usually is is prefered to have a tall ramus.
  • Gonial angle: The angle of the mandible (gonial angle) is located at the posterior border at the junction of the lower border of the ramus of the mandible.
  • Chin projection: should be c. 3 millimiters from the lower lip.
Check out this thead: The ultimate jaw megathead (by @pslgodduckz)
W thread, high effort, good research 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🤑🤑🗿🗿
Harmony is a very important factor which defiens your facial attractivenes.

Harmony is how well all of your features, proportions, and measurements sync together to create
an objectively beautiful face.
Harmony is a very important factor which defiens your facial attractivenes.

Harmony is how well all of your features, proportions, and measurements sync together to create
an objectively beautiful face.

Things to consider include horizontal proportions and eye position. Horizontal proportions refer to 3 regions on the face; Upper Third, Mid Face and Lower Third. If these three areas are equally distributed or appear to be equal, you can reach facial harmony. Another thing to consider in order to know if you do have good facial harmony is considering the facial ratios of your face.
No, even I do not know what facial harmony is, it is much less simple than just a couple ratios here and there. Think about it like this, if there was a formula for this, Ai could give reliable analysis of facial harmony, but most Ai cannot.

Eye are could be considered to be the most important part of your face
No, in the pics u posted neither looks incel

Noses are important, and in the means of aesthetics it is prefered to have a thin, and straight nose.
Straight nose in a front camera angle correct? The pics you posted are of a side angle
Last edited:
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #9
No, even I do not know what facial harmony is, it is much less simple than just a couple ratios here and there. Think about it like this, if there was a formula for this, Ai could give reliable analysis of facial harmony, but most Ai cannot.

No, in the pics u posted neither looks incel
Facial harmony is legated to the ratios and proportions which make your facial structure, the elements of the face have to be well proportioned and well positioned, this is facial harmony

Eyes are the most important part of the face not because they separate an incel from a chad, but they can make a wide difference (the dude in the first pic is at max a 4-5/10, the second one is a 8/10)
W thread, high effort, good research 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🤑🤑🗿🗿
you n*****s will comment "OMFG SO GOOD W HIGH IQ HIGH EFFORT THREAD!!!" on any essay here just because theres a lot of words even tho it might not even make sense
doubt you guys even read it
Harmony is just the right combination which are naturally found in people if you make a combination of features and ratios which does not seem normal and natural to the human brain it will think the face lacks harmony so harmony= non foreign combination
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #13
Harmony is just the right combination which are naturally found in people if you make a combination of features and ratios which does not seem normal and natural to the human brain it will think the face lacks harmony so harmony= non foreign combination
Yeah, but it can be defined also with maths its not just a human perception
Yeah, but it can be defined also with maths its not just a human perception
If you make a face with all perfect ratios using maths it will look uncanny because no have them and nobody can
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #16
If you make a face with all perfect ratios using maths it will look uncanny because no have them and nobody can
Yeah, but still math can do a huge job on evaluating approximately someone's harmony
The eye area is an underrated train in a man, having a 1:3 ratio, low set eyebrows, positive canthal tilt and any color other than brown is ideal.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #21
The eye area is an underrated train in a man, having a 1:3 ratio, low set eyebrows, positive canthal tilt and any color other than brown is ideal.
Usually brown eyes can be found unattractive if they are dark, but still the first thing a girl is gonna count is your overall facial and eye structure, not the eye color
Usually brown eyes can be found unattractive if they are dark, but still the first thing a girl is gonna count is your overall facial and eye structure, not the eye color
Water, and obviously i didn't mean dark eyes, you can have hazel eyes which are a mix of blue and brown and be a chad
